The President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, praised the value of volunteer work in the country during a ceremony marking the 160th anniversary of the Italian Red Cross in Solferino. He emphasized that volunteerism, in its various forms, is a source of pride for the country and transmits precious energy. The values expressed through volunteer work are an integral part of the culture and identity of the Italian people. Mattarella highlighted how volunteerism is deeply ingrained in the daily life of Italy, making it a country of great civilization, despite occasional episodes of exploitation and inhuman treatment of vulnerable workers.

However, the President also addressed a recent incident where a young immigrant worker died after being denied aid following a tragic work-related accident. This incident, characterized by inhuman treatment and illegal working conditions, goes against the values of volunteerism and contradicts the civilized nature of the country. Mattarella called attention to the exploitation of vulnerable and defenseless workers, emphasizing the need to address and combat such practices. He emphasized the importance of respecting the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or social status.

Mattarella’s remarks underscore the significance of volunteer work in Italian society and its role in promoting a sense of community and solidarity. Volunteerism, with its roots deeply embedded in the country’s history and culture, plays a crucial role in supporting those in need and in fostering a sense of unity among citizens. The President praised the tireless efforts of volunteers who selflessly dedicate their time and energy to helping others, contributing to the overall well-being of the community. He highlighted the impact of volunteer work in cultivating a spirit of compassion and generosity among the Italian people.

In celebrating the 160th anniversary of the Italian Red Cross, Mattarella also paid tribute to the organization’s longstanding commitment to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts. He applauded the Red Cross for its dedication to providing aid and support to those affected by emergencies and crises, both within Italy and abroad. The President acknowledged the crucial role played by the Red Cross in alleviating suffering and promoting human dignity, while also recognizing the broader social and cultural significance of the organization in the country.

Mattarella’s speech in Solferino emphasized the importance of upholding the values of volunteerism and solidarity in Italian society. He called on individuals and organizations to work together to combat exploitation and injustice, and to promote a culture of respect for human rights and dignity. By recognizing and honoring the contributions of volunteers and humanitarian organizations, the President highlighted the essential role they play in shaping a more compassionate and inclusive society. Mattarella’s words served as a reminder of the enduring significance of volunteer work in Italy’s cultural heritage and as a call to action to uphold the principles of social justice and equality.

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