Dr. Eric George, the Founder and CEO of ERG Enterprises, is a renowned leader in the fields of entrepreneurship, investing, and leadership. With nearly 30 years of experience as a physician and entrepreneur, he understands the challenges and opportunities that come with starting a new job. In his experience, three key practices can increase your chances of success in a new role.

The first practice Dr. George recommends is building a 90-day plan. Creating a structured plan that outlines what you want to accomplish in three phases can help you shorten the learning curve and set a foundation for long-term success. The first 30 days are focused on absorbing information about the business, the next 30 days are about achieving early wins, and the final 30 days are for building momentum and demonstrating your value as a contributor.

Another important practice is finding a mentor. Dr. George emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from someone who has achieved success in your field and can provide valuable insights and advice. Keeping a mentorship relationship informal and focusing on seeking feedback and asking questions can be a valuable tool for accelerating your career growth.

Seeking out casual moments with colleagues can also be beneficial for your career. Building relationships through ad hoc meetups and after-work events can help you expand your network, discover new opportunities within the company, and nurture important relationships that can support your success. Making an effort to interact with colleagues, focusing on their interests, and leaning into your curiosity can help you make the most of these casual moments.

Creating the conditions for long-term success through these practices can help you navigate the challenges of starting a new job and improve your chances of success. By adopting a structured approach to your first 90 days, seeking guidance from a mentor, and nurturing relationships with colleagues, you can position yourself for growth and success in your new role. As Dr. George emphasizes, embracing the process and trusting in your worth can help you overcome feelings of anxiety or vulnerability and thrive in your new position.

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