Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, the CEO of Compliance4 and founder of The Best Ever You Network, has shared her insights on managing time and attention in both personal and professional lives. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to separate the different aspects of our lives, leading to distractions and decreased productivity. Hamilton-Guarino emphasizes the importance of aligning intention with awareness to make time for focused attention, especially as our personal lives continue alongside work responsibilities.

She introduces the concept of the five D’s: distractions, destructors, deductors, derailers, and drama, as energy-wasters that can hinder success. Distractions, such as constantly checking a cell phone, can pull individuals away from focus and decrease productivity. Self-discipline and creating a conducive workspace are recommended to manage distractions effectively. Destructors, like gossip and anger, can impact workplace success and may require one-on-one conversations to address and find solutions.

Deductors are things that take away from happiness and quality of life in the workplace. Hamilton-Guarino suggests creating a work environment that contributes to the overall quality of life of employees by addressing their needs and implementing policies or procedures. Derailers, on the other hand, are obstacles that can take individuals off course and halt progress. To recover from derailing moments, she recommends pausing, simplifying, and focusing on gratitude to shift energy back into positive momentum.

Lastly, drama in the workplace can disrupt productivity and foster a toxic environment. Hamilton-Guarino advises addressing drama promptly by encouraging gratitude over negativity and maintaining open lines of communication to address frustrations or concerns. By managing the five D’s effectively, leaders can help employees stay focused, ensuring that their attention matches their intention, goals, and plans. This involves equipping team members with strategies to protect their focus and attention, such as setting boundaries and communication techniques.

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