North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has hired an attorney who previously worked for former President Trump to investigate allegations that he made controversial comments on a porn website. The current Republican lieutenant governor, Robinson is running against Democratic state Attorney General Josh Stein in the battleground state to replace Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper. The Binnall Law Group from northern Virginia has been hired to look into claims raised in a CNN report that surfaced comments Robinson allegedly made over a decade ago on a porn site messaging board. Robinson has denied making these comments and the investigation aims to provide voters with a complete report before the election, as the claims have sparked controversy and caused some Republicans to distance themselves from him.

The CNN report alleges that Robinson described himself as a “black NAZI,” stated he enjoyed transgender pornography, expressed a preference for Hitler over then-President Obama in 2012, and criticized the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as “worse than a maggot.” Despite his denials, Republicans have started to distance themselves from Robinson, who would be North Carolina’s first Black governor if elected. This has led to the Republican Governors Association not renewing its ad buy in North Carolina. In response, Robinson has emphasized that the election should focus on policies rather than personalities and has stressed his commitment to transparency and getting to the truth regarding the allegations.

Attorney Binnall, who has represented prominent figures like Michael Flynn and Devin Nunes in the past, emphasized the importance of conducting a thorough investigation and following the facts in Robinson’s case. He highlighted that it is common in politics for information to be manipulated or skewed to fit a particular narrative, and mentioned the tactic of dropping stories and allegations late in the political cycle to mislead voters. Binnall urged voters to wait for the facts to emerge and judge for themselves, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive investigation to uncover the truth amidst the swirl of scandalous allegations and media tactics.

Robinson’s attorney drew a parallel between the situation facing Robinson and the “high-tech lynching” that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas experienced during his confirmation process. Binnall acknowledged that Robinson may be up against a similar attempt to destroy him, but emphasized the importance of following the facts to determine the truth. He noted that those with nothing to hide typically welcome a full investigation, and Robinson’s decision to hire the law firm for this purpose underscores his commitment to transparency and accountability. The investigation is still in its early stages, with a former FBI agent involved and an expeditious approach being taken to provide a comprehensive report to the voters of North Carolina.

The attorney did not point fingers at CNN, but alluded to left-wing actors who have been known to mislead or lie to advance their political agenda. Citing previous examples like the Hunter Biden laptop story and allegations of Trump colluding with Russia, Binnall cautioned against jumping to conclusions and urged voters to wait for the facts to unfold. Despite facing challenges and controversy, Robinson remains steadfast in his commitment to the truth and ensuring that voters have access to complete transparency. As the investigation progresses, the focus will be on uncovering all relevant information and delivering a thorough report to the citizens of North Carolina in a timely manner before the election.

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