Mark McGowan has been credited with safeguarding the State’s people and economy against the worst worldwide pandemic in 100 years and has been acknowledged for his efforts with an award. Curtin University professor and political commentator John Phillimore believes that McGowan performed well under high-pressure circumstances and was rewarded at the ballot box. McGowan helped retain the state’s economy by closing it off from the outside world while ensuring that essential industries such as mining continued to operate.

Despite facing pressure and challenges, McGowan’s leadership in Western Australia has been praised. He led the Labor party to power in 2017 with a significant swing against long-time Liberal Premier Colin Barnett and achieved an extraordinary landslide victory in 2021. Throughout his time as head of government, McGowan worked with Liberal prime ministers and secured infrastructure funding and a better GST deal for Western Australia. He increased the national profile of the state and contributed to a swing towards the Albanese Government in 2022.

While McGowan can look back with pride on his political, economic, social, and health outcomes during his leadership, there have been challenges and controversies. The destruction of the 46,000-year-old Juukan Gorge rock shelters in WA’s Pilbara and unresolved issues in the juvenile justice system have been major black marks on his administration. However, Phillimore acknowledges that all governments accumulate problems over time, and McGowan has left a good legacy for his successor, Premier Roger Cook. Despite the challenges, McGowan did not overstay his welcome and has left the state in a good position for the future.

In addition to his handling of the pandemic and his achievements in infrastructure and economic matters, McGowan’s leadership legacy also includes his commitment to social justice issues. Despite facing criticism for some of his decisions, McGowan’s focus on improving health, education, and public services in the state has been acknowledged. His dedication to the well-being of Western Australians and his efforts to address challenging issues such as the Juukan Gorge incident demonstrate his commitment to making a positive impact during his time in office.

Looking ahead, McGowan’s successor, Premier Roger Cook, will face ongoing challenges and issues that will require strong leadership and effective decision-making. While McGowan has left a positive legacy for his successor, there will always be new challenges to address in the future. Cook will need to build on McGowan’s achievements and continue to prioritize the well-being of the state’s people and economy. McGowan’s leadership has set a high standard, and it will be important for Cook to continue working towards the best interests of Western Australia in the years to come.

Overall, Mark McGowan’s leadership in Western Australia has been marked by success in managing the state during challenging times, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite facing criticism for certain decisions, McGowan’s achievements in economic, social, and health-related matters have been recognized. He has left a positive legacy for his successor and has contributed to the well-being of the state’s people and economy. As Premier Roger Cook takes on the leadership role, he will need to build on McGowan’s accomplishments and address ongoing challenges to ensure the continued success and prosperity of Western Australia.

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