Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has renewed her threat to oust Speaker Mike Johnson and condemned his leadership in a blistering letter as she seeks support among her Republican colleagues. She criticizes Johnson for prioritizing Ukraine aid over securing the border and accuses him of serving Democrats and the Biden administration. Greene argues that Johnson’s actions have angered the Republican base and given them little reason to vote for a Republican House majority.

Greene first hinted at the possibility of removing Johnson after he worked with Democrats to pass a $1.2 trillion spending bill to avert a government shutdown. She clarified that the resolution calling for his removal was a warning and that she did not plan to immediately force a floor vote that would create chaos within the Republican-led House. Despite Greene’s efforts, her Republican colleagues have shown little appetite for ousting another speaker, especially after the chaotic removal of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

In her letter, Greene offers a scathing critique of Johnson’s leadership, accusing him of failing to keep his promises, negotiating with Democrats, and breaking procedural rules to pass major legislation. She vows not to tolerate Johnson serving the Democrats and the Biden administration, stating that he is causing chaos within the GOP conference. Greene believes that the only reason the Republicans may win the House this fall is because President Trump is on the ballot, not due to their own merits.

Despite the tension between Greene and Johnson, the GOP leader has tried to downplay the situation, stating that he respects the Georgia congresswoman and that they have honest differences on strategy. Johnson has turned to Democrats to pass legislation as the Republican majority has narrowed, causing fractures within the party. Greene, on the other hand, has expressed her anger and frustration at the bitter battles within the Republican party during a town hall in Georgia.

In a further attempt to gain support for Johnson’s removal, Greene has taken her criticism of the GOP leader to the public, speaking out against him in town hall meetings and publicly stating her grievances. She continues to push for Johnson’s ouster, citing the need for stronger Republican leadership and a return to conservative values. Despite facing resistance from her colleagues, Greene remains steadfast in her efforts to remove Johnson and restore what she believes to be true Republican values in the House leadership.

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