Marine Le Pen, leader of the parliamentary group of the far-right Rassemblement National in the French National Assembly, spoke at the convention of the Spanish far-right party Vox “Europa Viva 24” in Madrid, Spain on Sunday, May 19, 2024. During her speech, she called for June 9 – the day of the European elections in France – to be a “day of liberation and hope” and urged for a “reorientation of the European Union”. She emphasized the issue of “migratory submersion” and criticized the current state of the EU, calling it a “counterfeit”.

Le Pen, speaking at a gathering of around ten European sovereigntist parties in Madrid alongside the ultra-liberal Argentine President Javier Milei, highlighted the need for change within the EU. She focused on the promotion of Islamism and wokism by EU officials, as well as the desire to eliminate European borders. Le Pen reiterated her commitment to making June 9 a day of hope and liberation, emphasizing the importance of addressing issues related to migration and the authority of the state.

In her speech, Le Pen condemned the EU for its lack of action on the issue of migration and its recent adoption of the asylum and immigration pact. She expressed concern over the situation in France, where entire zones are experiencing migratory submersion and are allegedly evading state authority, leading to a situation of “migratory separatism”. Le Pen called for a reorientation of the EU and emphasized the need for action once her party, Rassemblement National, secures a significant number of seats in the European Parliament.

The convention in Madrid, described by Vox as a gathering of European patriots, brought together leaders of the European far-right, including messages from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The event took place amidst a battle among far-right parties in European nations over the composition of future groups in the European Parliament. Rassemblement National is currently part of the Identity and Democracy group, while Vox and Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia party belong to the European Conservatives and Reformists group.

When asked about her appearance alongside President Milei, despite their differing political views, Le Pen emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations with Argentina. The convention of European far-right parties highlighted their shared concerns about the direction of the European Union, particularly on issues related to migration and border control. The event served as a platform for leaders to express their views and discuss strategies for the upcoming European elections.

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