Ambroise de Rancourt, a classical pianist trained at the Paris Conservatory, has been appointed as the director of cabinet for Marine Le Pen, the president of the Rassemblement National (RN) group in the French National Assembly. De Rancourt, a former disappointed supporter of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who moved towards sovereignist circles and briefly associated with the Printemps républicain, is a 37-year-old graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA). He will be joining Le Pen’s inner circle on November 1st to strengthen her team and fill a vacant position. Another individual with a similar profile will also be joining Jordan Bardella in a similar role.

De Rancourt, who has been working at the Ministry of Defense for the past three years, first met Marine Le Pen during the Covid-19 crisis in 2021. They were introduced by former pollster Jérôme Sainte-Marie. Since then, de Rancourt, as an ENA graduate, has been providing input and advice to Le Pen, drawing on his connection to key figures within the RN. He is seen as a valuable addition to Le Pen’s team, particularly due to his strong sovereignist beliefs, which align well with the party’s agenda.

His early political affiliations, documented on the internet prior to his enrollment in ENA, show a shift from left-leaning ideologies to a more right-wing, sovereignist stance. De Rancourt expressed disappointment in Jean-Luc Mélenchon in a public letter in October 2017, and his writings on various sovereignist, anti-liberal, and pro-Russian websites suggest a clear stance against the European Union, liberalism, and capitalism. Despite his strong views on Islamism, he is not accused of Islamophobia and does not fit neatly into traditional left-right political divides.

The appointment of de Rancourt to Marine Le Pen’s inner circle is seen as a strategic move to bolster the team’s expertise and reinforce the party’s positions on key issues. His background in music and government administration, along with his connections to influential figures within the RN, make him a valuable asset to Le Pen’s leadership team. By bringing in individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, Le Pen aims to strengthen her political platform and appeal to a broader base of supporters.

As France approaches the 2024 presidential elections, Le Pen’s decision to appoint de Rancourt and potentially other key figures to prominent roles within the RN signals her commitment to expanding and solidifying the party’s influence. With a focus on sovereignist principles and a strong stance against Islamism, the RN is positioning itself as a viable alternative to mainstream political parties in France. De Rancourt’s appointment is part of a broader strategy to strengthen the party’s leadership and appeal to a wider range of voters leading up to the next election.

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