A leaked phone call with Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano’s offices raises questions as Maria Rosaria Boccia, who is already appointed as a Consultant for major events by the Ministry, decides to record it. The conversation is clear, with an administrative employee of the Ministry confirming the signing of a decree related to Boccia’s appointment. However, Boccia later posts additional documents on Instagram that may contradict the Minister’s statements.

Dubbed as a “ghost consultant,” Boccia shares an email from a Ministry administrative employee on July 10, 2024, confirming her appointment as a Ministerial Advisor for Major Events. Another email, sent on July 15 by Narda Frisoni, the Minister’s chief of staff, includes boarding passes for Boccia and Minister Sangiuliano. The Minister later claims that no public funds were used for Boccia, with payments allegedly made directly from his credit card. This raises concerns about who should cover the consultant’s expenses, whether it should be borne by the consultant or the Ministry.

A further email published by Boccia reveals another task, this time assigned to her by the Minister’s chief of staff, proposing her attendance at an event in Pompeii on July 23 for the city key ceremony. The existence of this additional role raises questions about the necessity of such involvement if Boccia is not officially appointed as a consultant. These revelations create doubts about the legitimacy of Boccia’s role and the Minister’s decision to involve her in official events.

The continuous leak of information by the so-called “ghost consultant” leads to speculation and weakens Minister Sangiuliano’s credibility, becoming a source of tension within the government. Despite the lack of official confirmation, the G7 Culture summit in Pompeii is likely to be canceled due to concerns regarding the event’s organization and delegation security following the leaked information. The fallout from Boccia’s declarations impacts the Minister and the carefully planned cultural summit, with the event’s flagship program in Pompeii now uncertain.

The unfolding scandal surrounding Maria Rosaria Boccia’s role as a consultant and its impact on the G7 Culture summit adds to the political turmoil, raising questions about transparency and accountability within the government. Minister Sangiuliano’s reputation and the success of the cultural summit are at stake as the controversy casts a shadow over the upcoming event. The leaked emails and conflicting statements further complicate the situation, prompting scrutiny and demands for clarification from both the Ministry and the consultant. Amidst the controversy, the future of Boccia’s role and the fate of the G7 Culture summit remain uncertain, highlighting the need for transparency and integrity in government dealings.

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