Florida Sen. Marco Rubio defended former President Donald Trump’s previous controversial remarks on immigrants during an interview with Telemundo, stating that Trump’s comments were not about race but about the country being threatened by an influx of people, including criminals and terrorists. Rubio also expressed support for Trump’s plans for mass deportations, citing the need to uphold U.S. law and address the issue of undocumented immigrants. He mentioned his changed views on mass deportations, attributing it to the growing problem of illegal immigration in the country.

Rubio’s views on mass deportations align with sentiments expressed by voters across the country, with a majority favoring a new government program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. However, the Democratic Party sharply criticized Rubio for supporting Trump’s characterization of immigrants, comparing his defense of Trump to dangerous rhetoric used by historical dictators like Hitler and Mussolini. Despite the backlash from Democrats, Latino political analysts noted Rubio’s effectiveness in delivering Trump’s message in Spanish to millions of Latino voters, potentially positioning him as a valuable asset to Trump’s campaign as a Latino vice presidential candidate.

In the interview, Rubio addressed the possibility of becoming Trump’s vice presidential running mate, stating that he has not had any conversations with the campaign but considers it an honor to be considered and sees it as an opportunity to continue serving the country. Rubio’s relationship with Trump has had its ups and downs, with the two engaging in heated exchanges during the 2016 Republican presidential primary. Rubio acknowledged their past competition but highlighted his collaboration with Trump during his administration, emphasizing the need to work together despite previous disagreements.

Despite his earlier criticisms of Trump during the 2016 campaign, Rubio’s current defense of Trump’s immigration policies and rhetoric reflects a shift in his views on the issue of illegal immigration in the U.S. His support for Trump’s plans for mass deportations and his willingness to be considered for a vice presidential role indicate a willingness to align with Trump’s agenda and priorities. Rubio’s stance on immigration may appeal to Trump’s base and could potentially strengthen his position as a key ally within the Republican Party.

As the 2024 campaign unfolds, Rubio’s position on immigration and his relationship with Trump will likely continue to be scrutinized by both political opponents and supporters. His willingness to defend Trump’s controversial remarks and policies may help him secure a spot on the Republican ticket as a vice presidential candidate, but could also draw criticism from those who view his support for Trump as compromising his principles. Ultimately, Rubio’s political future may hinge on his ability to navigate the complex dynamics of the Trump era while appealing to a diverse electorate.

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