Anthony Stocks, a 54-year-old man, is accused of pushing a 10-year-old boy off a 100ft cliff near Brighton, East Sussex, after the child tried to stop him from raping his 13-year-old sister. Stocks had allegedly told the girl that he was going to “get rid of her brother” and attempted to carry out his plan. The girl warned her brother not to go with Stocks, but he insisted on going. Stocks had previously taken the boy to a quarry and contemplated pushing him off a cliff there, before changing his mind. However, on September 24, 2022, he took the boy to London and then to the seaside where he pushed him off the cliff, intending to kill him. The boy miraculously survived the fall and was rushed to the hospital.

During the trial at Oxford Crown Court, the jury heard that the girl had reported to the police that Stocks used to follow her outside her home, take her to the back of garages, kiss her, and touch her on her private parts. Stocks would often tell her “I love you” during these instances. The girl, who was frightened by Stocks, did not disclose the abuse to anyone except her little brother. When asked why she confided in her brother, she said, “So he would help me.” Stocks, who appeared in court in custody due to travel constraints, kept his head bowed throughout the testimonies. The trial continues as more evidence is presented to the court.

Witness Anthony Boulding, who was walking at the bottom of the cliffs with a friend, recounted hearing shouting and seeing a small shape falling off the cliff, followed by a shriek. Passers-by then found the severely injured body of the boy at the bottom of the cliffs. Prosecution counsel Zoe Johnson told the jury that Stocks attempted to murder the boy with the intention of getting him out of the way so he could no longer interfere. The incident left the young boy in critical condition, and he had to be resuscitated and placed into a medical coma for several weeks. The court also heard recordings of police interviews with the girl victim, providing more details of the abuse she endured at the hands of Stocks.

Stocks had lured the boy on a trip to London under the guise of seeing the Chelsea football stadium, as he knew the boy was a Chelsea supporter. The court heard that he had planned to kill the child and carried out the act at Ovingdean Cliffs near Brighton. The jury was presented with evidence suggesting that Stocks had premeditated the murder and made multiple attempts to take the boy’s life. His actions demonstrated clear intent to harm the boy in order to remove him as an obstacle to his relationship with the girl. The trial shed light on the disturbing nature of the crimes committed by Stocks and the impact they had on the young victims.

The incident involving Stocks and the two siblings highlighted the vulnerability of children to predators and the importance of safeguarding measures and awareness. The harrowing details of the case underscore the need for vigilance in protecting children from potential dangers. The courage shown by the girl in speaking up and trying to protect her brother, despite the threats made by Stocks, serves as a reminder of the resilience and bravery displayed by victims of abuse. As the trial continues and more information is revealed, the justice system will work to hold Stocks accountable for his actions and deliver justice for the victims and their families. The case serves as a sobering reminder of the need to address and prevent such atrocities in society to ensure the safety and well-being of all children.

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