Across Canada, schools are embracing eSports teams as a way to engage students in learning new life skills. One such example is Ecole Viscount Alexander, where teacher Nicole Bureau successfully started an eSports team. Despite initial nerves, Bureau’s students excelled, winning provincial and national recognition for an escape room they designed in the game Minecraft. By incorporating their current course of study on ancient civilizations into the game, the Grade 8 students were able to showcase their creativity and teamwork skills.

For students like Kyle Bushek, games like Minecraft provide endless possibilities to explore passions and interests. School-facilitated eSports programs not only engage students who may not be interested in traditional sports but also provide structured extracurricular activities. Events like the Manitoba Schools eSports Expo bring together students from over 30 schools to compete in games like Brawlhalla, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Rocket League, and Pokemon Unite. Melissa Burns, organizer and CEO of eSports Canada, emphasizes the importance of intentional guidance in eSports to prevent kids from becoming ‘Toxic players’ and to teach them important skills like dealing with frustration, loss, and winning graciously.

The rise of eSports in popular culture has made gaming a prevalent activity among Canadian youth, with 89% reportedly playing games every day. By providing a structured environment for gaming, schools can turn casual gaming spaces into opportunities to teach valuable life skills. In addition to playing games, students also have the opportunity to engage in other aspects of eSports, such as event production and streaming on platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Discord. These experiences not only enhance their gaming skills but also provide them with valuable career-related skills that can set them up for success in the future.

Events like the Manitoba Schools eSports Expo aim to create a safe and inclusive space where students can learn, grow, and have meaningful experiences through gaming. By integrating concepts from traditional sports, such as teamwork, communication, and discipline, eSports programs help students develop important skills that are applicable in various aspects of their lives. The structured environment of eSports also allows for mentorship opportunities, where students can learn from industry professionals and gain insight into potential career paths in the gaming industry.

Overall, the integration of eSports programs in schools across Canada is proving to be a successful method of engaging students in learning valuable life skills through gaming. By providing structured and intentional guidance, schools are able to create a safe and inclusive space for students to explore their passions, develop important skills, and even pursue potential career opportunities in the gaming industry. As gaming continues to be a prevalent activity among youth, initiatives like eSports teams in schools play a crucial role in ensuring that students have access to opportunities that can set them up for success in the future.

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