RCMP Manitoba Major Crime Services investigators are seeking witnesses of a double homicide that occurred in 2021 in Prince Albert, Sask. The victims, Brent Denechezhe, 31, and Leona Tssessaze, 24, were found dead in a house fire on Northland Denesuline First Nation. Their deaths were determined as homicides, and the investigation is ongoing. Lead investigator Const. David Giroux expressed determination in finding answers for the families of the victims, stating that the young people had their whole lives ahead of them.

Recently, RCMP investigators revisited the scene of the deaths to search for evidence over two days. Despite the passage of time and the removal of the remains of the home, they believe there is evidence still to be recovered that will assist in the murder investigation. Police are particularly interested in speaking to individuals who may have knowledge of anyone leaving the community shortly after the murders and not returning. They are also seeking information from anyone who saw someone leaving Denechezhe’s house between 4:30-5:30 am on the day of the killings, September 9, 2021. Investigators are currently following leads in Prince Albert and have set up a tip line for individuals to provide information related to the case.

The investigators are committed to pursuing leads and gathering evidence to solve the murders of Brent Denechezhe and Leona Tssessaze. The RCMP is urging anyone with information on individuals leaving the community around the time of the homicides or seen leaving Denechezhe’s residence on the day of the killings to come forward and contact the tip line. The investigators emphasized that they will not give up on finding answers and bringing closure to the families of the victims. The community’s cooperation and information are crucial in advancing the investigation and ultimately achieving justice for the two young individuals who lost their lives tragically.

The revisit to the scene of the double homicide in Northland Denesuline First Nation reflects the ongoing dedication of the RCMP Manitoba Major Crime Services investigators to solving this case. Lead investigator Const. David Giroux reiterated the importance of recovering any remaining evidence that could aid in the murder investigation of Denechezhe and Tssessaze. By reaching out to potential witnesses and those with information on suspicious activities around the time of the murders, the investigators hope to make progress in the case and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The investigation into the double homicide from 2021 is actively pursuing leads and following up on any potential evidence that may assist in solving the case. By urging witnesses and community members with information to come forward and share what they know, the RCMP is taking essential steps towards finding answers and closure for the families of Brent Denechezhe and Leona Tssessaze. The dedication and commitment of the investigators to uncover the truth behind the tragic deaths of the two young individuals is evident in their continued efforts to seek justice and bring those responsible to account.

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