Actress Mandy Moore shared a photo on Saturday showing off her growing baby bump, just one day after announcing her pregnancy with her musician husband Taylor Goldsmith. The couple, who are already parents to two sons, revealed that they are expecting a baby girl. Mandy posted a mirror selfie on her Instagram Stories wearing a leopard print gown and jokingly said she no longer has to try to camouflage her bump. The announcement of their third child was made on Friday with a heartwarming picture of their sons, Gus and Ozzie, wearing t-shirts that said ‘Big’ and ‘Middle’. Mandy expressed her excitement for the arrival of their baby girl and shared that she always wanted to be a mother, despite facing fertility struggles and having endometriosis.

Mandy Moore reflected on her journey to motherhood, sharing that she had always wanted to be a mom but faced challenges with fertility before becoming pregnant with Gus. She shared that motherhood is a beautiful and messy gift and expressed gratitude for her two children under two years old. She credited her role as Rebecca on ‘This Is Us’ for preparing her for motherhood to twins on the show and now to her real-life sons. Mandy emphasized that it’s impossible to get everything right as a parent all the time, despite good intentions. She also mentioned that her husband Taylor was initially hesitant about having a larger family due to the challenges of raising young children, but they are now excited about welcoming a baby girl.

In her pregnancy announcement, Mandy Moore referenced her character on ‘This Is Us’ who also has two sons and a daughter, mirroring her real-life family. She shared the joy of having their ‘Big Three’ complete with the upcoming arrival of their daughter. Mandy’s journey to motherhood included years of fertility struggles and the uncertainty of being able to conceive. However, she overcame these challenges and embraced the sleepless yet rewarding experience of being a mother. Mandy’s previous marriage to Ryan Adams ended in 2016, and she found love again with Taylor Goldsmith, whom she married in 2018 in an intimate backyard ceremony. The couple’s family is now expanding with the anticipation of their baby girl.

Throughout her pregnancy journey, Mandy Moore has been open about her struggles and triumphs, including her battle with endometriosis and her joy at becoming a mother despite slim chances of conceiving. She emphasized the challenges of motherhood but also the incredible gift it is, describing it as a messy yet beautiful experience. Mandy’s portrayal of a mother to triplets on ‘This Is Us’ helped prepare her for the realities of motherhood, including the unpredictability and imperfections that come with raising children. Despite the difficulties, Mandy expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be a mother and the excitement of expanding their family with the arrival of their baby girl.

Mandy Moore’s journey to motherhood reflects the ups and downs many women face when trying to conceive and raise a family. Her openness about her struggles with fertility, endometriosis, and the challenges of motherhood resonates with many who have similar experiences. Mandy’s announcement of expecting a baby girl with her husband Taylor Goldsmith marks a new chapter in their family’s story, with the anticipation of completing their ‘Big Three’. As Mandy navigates the joys and difficulties of motherhood, she continues to embrace the messy and rewarding gift of raising her children and looks forward to welcoming their daughter into their loving family.

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