West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who left the Democratic Party and registered as an Independent in May, is now considering re-registering as a Democrat so he can run for president. Manchin stated that he is considering re-registering with his original party in order to bring the party back to the center. This decision comes after he called on President Biden to step aside and pass the torch to a new generation, following a poor debate performance against former President Trump. Manchin still caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate despite his change in party registration.

In the three weeks since Biden’s debate performance, Manchin has expressed concerns to Biden’s allies, including Sen. Chris Coons and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. He initially decided to cancel scheduled appearances on Sunday shows to give Biden time to make a decision on his own, but eventually changed course. Manchin’s switch from a Democrat to an Independent earlier this year was reportedly influenced by encouragement from moderate Republicans dissatisfied with the party’s nominee for governor of West Virginia. Manchin was also reportedly urged to run for governor by at least 20 Republicans with financial resources.

Despite initial reports of encouragement to run for governor, Manchin has not ruled out the possibility. He downplayed rumors about his gubernatorial aspirations but acknowledged that he has been encouraged by many people to consider running for the position. The Greenbrier resort in White Sulphur Springs, owned by the state’s current governor, Jim Justice, reportedly saw Manchin being urged to run for governor by attendees. Justice, who is now the GOP’s Senate nominee, is term-limited and cannot run for another term as governor.

The decision by Manchin to potentially run for president as a Democrat comes amid concerns about Biden’s re-election campaign and its impact on Democratic colleagues facing competitive races in Congress or at the state level in November. Manchin’s willingness to step up and consider running for president reflects a desire to see the Democratic Party return to the center. While he still caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate, Manchin’s decision to switch parties earlier this year raised questions about his political future and aspirations for higher office. As he considers his options, the pressure for him to secure a critical seat for Democrats remains high.

In conclusion, Senator Joe Manchin’s potential re-registration as a Democrat to run for president reflects a desire to bring the party back to the center. His willingness to step up and consider running for the presidency comes after concerns about President Biden’s re-election campaign and its potential impact on Democratic colleagues in competitive races. Despite initially switching from a Democrat to an Independent, Manchin’s political future remains uncertain as he faces calls to run for governor of West Virginia from both Republicans and Democrats. As he weighs his options, the pressure for him to secure a critical seat for Democrats remains high.

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