A dog named Mishka went missing in California in the summer and was found more than 2,000 miles away in suburban Detroit. Police in Harper Woods responded to a call about a stray dog and contacted the Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society, who discovered that Mishka had an identity chip with information about her owners. The dog’s owners, Mehrad Houman and his family, live in San Diego and were planning to travel to Minnesota when they received the call. Houman drove 10 hours to Michigan for a reunion with Mishka, who had wandered away from his workplace at an auto garage in July and never returned.

Mishka’s collar had the family’s phone number, but it is believed that the collar was stolen and the dog was sold before ending up in Michigan. The director of the animal welfare group, Corinne Martin, stated that it’s likely Mishka was stolen and then sold to someone who eventually took her to Michigan. Despite the long distance between Mishka and her owners, they never gave up hope of finding her. Elizabeth, Houman’s wife, stated that she put up over a thousand flyers and wore Mishka’s leash while searching for her. Now reunited with Mishka, the family is curious to find out the story behind how the dog ended up in Michigan.

Veterinarian Nancy Pillsbury examined 3-year-old Mishka and found her to be in good health, well-fed, and clean. She gave the dog a rabies shot and cleared her to travel back home to California. Pillsbury praised whoever had cared for Mishka during her time away from her owners, as it appears she was well taken care of. Despite being a mystery as to how Mishka ended up so far from home, the veterinarian believes that only Mishka knows the full story behind her journey to Michigan.

The animal welfare group described Mishka’s story as one that Hollywood would love to tell, highlighting the heartwarming tale of a lost dog making its way back to its family after a long journey. The group shared pictures and video of Houman’s reunion with Mishka on Facebook, showcasing the emotional moment when they were finally reunited. Mishka’s incredible journey from California to Michigan has captured the hearts of many, with the story serving as a reminder of the power of love and determination in reuniting lost pets with their owners.

Mishka’s unexpected adventure from California to Michigan has left many intrigued about the circumstances that led to her miraculous journey. The terrier mix’s remarkable story of resilience and survival has touched the hearts of animal lovers around the world and serves as a reminder of the importance of microchipping pets for identification in case they go missing. Mishka’s family’s unwavering determination to find her and the support of the animal welfare group in facilitating her safe return home demonstrate the power of community and love in reuniting lost pets with their owners. Mishka’s tale is a testament to the special bond between humans and animals, showcasing the enduring hope and connection that can transcend distance and time.

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