A rockhound named Patrick Gundersen recently uncovered a unique crystal in the Australian Outback. The crystal, weighing over four pounds, was found in the Hart’s Range of Australia’s Northern Territory during the summer. Gundersen, who documents his adventures on Instagram under the handle @crystals_of_australia, shared a video of himself digging up the elestial quartz crystal. This particular crystal is mostly whitish with a purple tip and has striking growth patterns along its sides, making it incredibly unique.

Elestial quartz crystals are more commonly found in Brazil and Madagascar, with some also found in the United States. The fact that Gundersen found this crystal in Australia is rare and adds to its value. While he estimates the crystal could be worth several thousand dollars due to its rarity, he has decided to keep it for his own collection as it is unlike anything he has found before. Gundersen’s interest in rockhounding dates back to his childhood, where he and his friend would explore an old quarry on his friend’s property, picking up tiny quartz crystals.

As he grew older, Gundersen delved deeper into the hobby, researching more places to explore and embarking on longer adventures into the Australian outback. He finds the thrill of the treasure hunt element to be the most rewarding aspect of rockhounding, as it takes careful research and exploration to find something truly special. Gundersen’s fascination with the shapes and colors of crystals has persisted throughout his life, leading him to discover unique specimens like the elestial quartz crystal he found in the Outback. He believes these discoveries are a testament to the incredible beauty and diversity of nature.

The crystal expert highlighted the unusualness of finding such a rare formation like elestial quartz in Australia, as they are typically found in other parts of the world. The growth patterns and the presence of a perfect amethyst crystal on top make the crystal especially unique and visually striking. Gundersen expressed his awe at the wonders of nature, emphasizing how pieces like this crystal serve as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Gundersen’s dedication to rockhounding and his passion for exploring the Australian Outback have led him to make remarkable discoveries like the elestial quartz crystal. He views the hobby as a magical and rewarding experience, where the time and effort put into research and exploration culminates in the joy of uncovering something extraordinary. Despite the potentially high value of the crystal, Gundersen’s decision to keep it for his own collection reflects his deep appreciation for its uniqueness and the personal connection he feels towards it. His lifelong fascination with crystals and minerals continues to drive his adventures and explorations in search of new treasures.

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