A man has been charged with setting a fire outside the Vermont office of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, after being spotted outside the office the day before and the day of the fire. Shant Michael Soghomonian, who had been staying at a nearby hotel for nearly two months, entered the building on Friday and set fire to the door of Sanders’ third-floor office using a liquid and a lighter. While the building suffered some damage from the fire and sprinklers, no one was hurt as Sanders was not present at the time. Seven employees were able to evacuate safely. The federal agent investigating the scene found what appeared to be remnants of a canister of lighter fluid and a red cap near the office door.

Soghomonian was arrested on a charge of using fire to damage a building used in interstate commerce. He had been staying at the Inn at Burlington in South Burlington and was apprehended in his hotel room after initially refusing to open the door for police. Sanders expressed gratitude for the swift response of local, state, and federal law enforcement in handling the incident and ensuring the safety of everyone in the office. It was not immediately clear what the motive behind the fire was, and Soghomonian’s legal representation was unknown at the time of the report. He is being held at the Northwest State Correctional Facility in St. Albans, with the crime carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $250,000.

The investigation into the case involved multiple law enforcement agencies, including police departments in Burlington, Shelburne, and Williston, Vermont State Police, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and U.S. Capitol Police. The motive behind Soghomonian’s actions and any potential connections to Bernie Sanders or his office remain unclear. Despite the damage caused by the fire, there were no injuries reported, and the employees in the office were able to evacuate safely. Sanders’ statement following the incident expressed gratitude for the coordinated efforts of law enforcement in responding quickly and efficiently to the fire outside his office.

As the case unfolds, more information may come to light regarding the circumstances leading to the arson at Senator Sanders’ office. The charges against Soghomonian indicate the severity of the crime, with a potential maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment and a significant fine. The cooperation of multiple law enforcement agencies highlights the importance of collaboration in addressing criminal activity and protecting public officials and their staff. The swift arrest of Soghomonian after the incident demonstrates the effectiveness of the investigative efforts in identifying and apprehending the suspect. Moving forward, the legal proceedings will shed light on the motives and intentions behind the act of arson, providing closure for those affected by the fire.

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