Several Malaysian public figures, including actress Michelle Yeoh, have found themselves on a “blockout” list for either remaining silent about or showing continued support for brands associated with Israel amidst the ongoing crisis in Gaza. The list, shared on Facebook, includes around 30 names and is part of an online movement called “Blockout 2024” that aims to boycott celebrities and influencers by blocking their accounts on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

The movement is a form of protest against public figures who have not spoken out against Israel’s actions in Gaza during its conflict with Hamas. By blocking these celebrities’ accounts, individuals participating in the movement are essentially cutting off their support, which can impact the views, engagement, and ultimately the income generated by the celebrities’ social media content. This boycott is intended to hold these influencers accountable for their perceived lack of response to the crisis in Gaza.

Michelle Yeoh, a famous Malaysian actress and Oscar winner, has been criticized for her silence on the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Although she has not made any public statements regarding the war, she did express concern about protests calling for a Gaza ceasefire around the time of the Oscars ceremony. Despite her silence on the matter, Yeoh recently received the Presidential Medal of Honour from US President Joe Biden, an accolade reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions to the security and civilian life of the United States.

The “blockout” list targeting Malaysian public figures is an attempt to pressure these celebrities into using their platforms to raise awareness about the crisis in Gaza and to take a stand against the actions of Israel. By cutting off support from followers, the movement aims to influence the celebrities to speak out and take action on the issue. The boycotted individuals, including actresses and influencers, risk losing engagement, sponsorships, and income as a result of being blocked on social media platforms.

Participants in the “Blockout 2024” movement believe that it is crucial for public figures to use their influence to speak out against injustices and human rights violations, such as the situation in Gaza. By targeting celebrities and influencers who have remained silent or have not shown sufficient support for the Palestinian cause, the movement aims to hold these individuals accountable and pressure them to take a stand on the issue. This form of activism via social media can have real-world consequences for those who are viewed as complicit or apathetic towards ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises.

The online movement “Blockout 2024” in Malaysia highlights the power of social media in mobilizing public opinion and applying pressure on public figures to take a stand on important issues. By using the tactic of blocking accounts and cutting off engagement, individuals are able to use social media platforms to hold celebrities accountable for their silence or lack of action on critical events like the crisis in Gaza. The movement calls attention to the responsibilities of influencers and celebrities to use their platforms for social good and to speak out against injustice and human rights violations, particularly in situations of conflict and humanitarian crises.

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