Police in Selangor state rescued 402 children from 18 charity homes in a raid that also led to the arrest of 171 individuals, including caretakers and religious teachers. Many of the victims, who were locals, were found to have endured various forms of exploitation and abuse, including being sodomized by caretakers and being taught to perform similar acts on other children at the home. They also allegedly suffered punishment with heated metal objects and inappropriate touching under the guise of religious medical treatment. The case is being investigated under laws covering sexual offences against children and human trafficking.

Residents near one of the homes that was raided believed that it was linked to an organization called GISB. The home was signposted as a welfare home for orphans and the less fortunate, housing only girls while the boys came from another GISB-branded petting farm nearby. The children, who were in their teens, were said to keep to themselves and rarely participate in community activities. When seen in public, they were usually engaging in business activities like working at a cafe or offering horse rides at a nearby mosque. The raid came as a shock to many residents who had lived in the area for years, unaware of the alleged abuses taking place behind closed doors.

The victims rescued from the charity homes were reportedly indoctrinated using religious tools in a harmful way, according to police. The suspects arrested in connection to the case included men and women aged between 17 and 64 years old. The victims, who were locals, were subjected to various forms of exploitation and abuse and were said to have suffered punishment with heated metal objects and inappropriate touching under the guise of religious medical treatment. The police are investigating the case under laws governing sexual offences against children and human trafficking.

The raids at the charity homes in Selangor state and Negri Sembilan resulted in the rescue of a total of 402 children, with 171 individuals arrested, including caretakers, religious teachers, and the chairmen of the premises. Victims were found to have endured various forms of exploitation and abuse, including being sodomized by caretakers and being taught to perform similar acts on other children. The alleged abuse was reportedly carried out under the guise of religious teachings, with children being indoctrinated in a harmful manner using religious tools. The case is under investigation under laws covering sexual offences against children and human trafficking.

Residents in the area where one of the raided charity homes was located expressed shock at the revelations, with many unaware of the abuses taking place. The raided home was believed to be linked to an organization called GISB, which operated a separate petting farm for boys nearby. The children in the homes were said to keep to themselves and rarely participate in community activities, instead engaging in business activities when seen in public. The raid, which saw a significant police presence in the area, prompted disbelief and concern among residents who had lived in the vicinity for years. Some residents noted that they had long been aware of GISB and its ties to certain sects but had not delved into the details due to the organization’s lack of interaction with the community.

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