Tembi Locke discussed the first symptom that eventually led to her husband’s cancer diagnosis during an episode of “Making Space” with Hoda Kotb. Locke and her late husband, Saro Gullo, had just moved to Los Angeles when he injured his knee during a yoga class. Initially, they didn’t think much of it, but after imaging tests, it was discovered that Gullo had leiomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive type of cancer that begins in smooth muscle tissue. Despite the diagnosis in 2002, Gullo lived for 10 more years before passing away in 2012.

Leiomyosarcoma is often found in the digestive system, urinary system, blood vessels, and uterus. Locke, who was 31 at the time of her husband’s diagnosis, described it as a “page one rewrite of life,” as they were in the prime of everything. The diagnosis was a shocking and emotional moment for Locke, who still feels the impact of it when discussing it. She shared that they worked with an oncologist who did not disclose the stage of cancer Gullo had. Despite the challenges, Locke expressed gratitude for the gift of living moment by moment which allowed them to be present in their lives and with each other.

Locke’s bestselling memoir, “From Scratch,” chronicled her and Gullo’s early romance in Florence, Italy, and their challenges navigating a long-distance, cross-cultural relationship before Gullo moved to the U.S. Their milestones, including adopting a daughter named Zoela, were included in the Netflix series adaptation of the book starring Zoe Saldana. Gullo’s death in 2012 from complications of cancer marked the end of their journey together, but Locke’s memoir and the subsequent series have allowed their story to reach a wider audience.

The impact of Gullo’s cancer diagnosis and subsequent passing had a deep emotional toll on Locke, as she reflected on the shock and disbelief of receiving the news. The uncertainty of not knowing the stage of his cancer added to the challenges they faced, but Locke emphasized the importance of living each moment fully and being present with each other. Despite the difficulties, Locke’s love and dedication to Gullo remained unwavering throughout his battle with cancer.

The story of Locke and Gullo’s love, loss, and resilience is portrayed in “From Scratch” and the Netflix series, providing a glimpse into their journey as a couple and as a family. Locke’s openness about their challenges and triumphs in the face of cancer offers a message of hope and strength to others who may be going through similar experiences. Through sharing their story, Locke honors the memory of Gullo and the love they shared, leaving a lasting impact on those who hear their story.

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