Political parties are making a push to amend the budget law in Italy, with proposals including further increasing minimum pensions, repealing the rule on MEF auditors in entities receiving public funds, limiting partial turnover freezes, reducing the tax on bitcoin, and modifying the web tax. Opposition parties are gearing up for a battle, while within the majority, some are pushing to “improve” the text and others are more cautious. The specter of the budget adjustment plan hangs over everyone, making any changes subject to the obligation of having the necessary coverage. Legislative offices will continue working over the weekend to finalize amendments, which must be presented in the budget committee by Monday.

Parliamentarians have a budget allocation of 120 million for 2025, but it has not yet been determined how to divide it between the majority and the opposition. Additional resources depend on the final outcome of the two-year agreement for self-employed individuals. The government is working on a decree-law to possibly extend the deadline for tax payments to December 10 or 15. In the majority, crucial hours await, and possible meetings are not ruled out, perhaps after the submission of amendments. The focus for Forza Italia is on increasing minimum pensions, exempting law enforcement from partial turnover freezes, adjusting income tax rates, providing tax breaks for reinvesting profits in companies, repealing the rule on MEF auditors, postponing the sugar tax, and modifying the web tax.

Brothers of Italy are keeping their plans for amendments under wraps until Monday, as they plan to limit their interventions. The League is also waiting until Monday to present only changes that will be approved. Their proposals include reducing the tax on bitcoin and cutting the Rai TV license fee in 2025, a move that has stirred controversy within the majority. Opposition parties are considering pooling resources to fund anti-violence centers using the budget allocation. Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti has hinted at possible changes, such as allowing MEF auditors in publicly funded companies as long as there is accountability and considering modifications to the turnover freeze, particularly regarding security.

The ongoing debate within the majority and opposition parties centers around various proposals to amend the budget law, with different priorities and concerns driving their agendas. Forza Italia is focused on pension increases, tax reforms, and modifying various taxes, while Brothers of Italy are taking a more cautious approach. The League is prioritizing tax reductions and controversial proposals such as cutting the Rai TV license fee. Opposition parties are looking to redirect resources towards anti-violence initiatives. Minister Giorgetti has signaled openness to discussing changes to certain aspects of the budget law, emphasizing accountability and the importance of addressing key issues such as turnover freezes and taxation. The road ahead remains uncertain as stakeholders navigate the complexities of budget negotiations in Italy.

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