Many comments have been published regarding the dissolution of the National Assembly, decided surprisingly by the head of state, and the results of the legislative elections on June 30th and July 7th. The French people have once again highlighted democracy and mutual respect. The current paralysis, under the pretext of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, demonstrates that politicians mostly forget that they are meant to serve their fellow citizens and not the other way around. They must probably strive to love them more. The priorities are clear: make life easier for the French without taking measures that would be economic disasters, practice genuine tax justice, bring the governors closer to the regions that should stop feeling abandoned by politics, restore public services regionally, reduce medical deserts, and ensure the security of the French.

After this reminder, it is noted the absence of major concerns that condition our long-term future in the different political programs, even if some of them are addressed to some extent in the program of the New Popular Front (NPF). National Education and University are the two main areas that need attention. Firstly, national education was supposed to be a priority of the second term governments of President Macron: the announced measures (such as the possible wearing of a uniform by students) are “timid” and far below the major issue of making schools a place for learning democracy where students receive a “decent” education in fundamental subjects such as French literature, philosophy, English, mathematics, history, and science.

What has not been done in the last thirty years for the school system makes it fear that any government may be unable to implement the necessary reforms (better teacher training and salaries, revision of hierarchical structures, encouragement of teamwork, curriculum relevance) in this fundamental area for the future of France and the French people. Secondly, it is important for citizens to know that the French university system now admits a much larger number of students, as the baccalaureate is awarded to about 90% of an age group. At the same time, the human and budgetary resources allocated to higher education have not only not been maintained but have decreased in recent years.

The role and status given to the Minister of National Education are questioned in light of these issues. The article underscores the urgent need for budgetary and educational reforms for deputies in the 2024 legislative elections. It emphasizes that education is a fundamentally important area for the future of the country, and expresses concern about the lack of progress in this area over the past few decades. It also highlights the challenges faced by the higher education sector, including the increased number of students and the decrease in resources allotted to universities.

In conclusion, the article calls for a reevaluation of the political priorities to ensure that the needs and concerns of the French people are adequately addressed. It emphasizes the importance of education as a key area for the future development of the country and the well-being of its citizens. It also points out the necessity for stronger governmental action in various sectors such as justice, healthcare, and public services. The article suggests that a reconnection between politicians and the regions is needed to address the perceived neglect felt by some parts of the country. Ultimately, it calls for a renewed focus on serving the interests of the French people and upholding democratic principles.

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