James Kane made a surprising discovery while magnet fishing in New York City waterways – a safe containing stacks of waterlogged $100 bills. His girlfriend, Barbi Agostini, initially thought he was joking as he pulled the safe out of a lake in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. The couple estimates that the safe held around $100,000 in damaged currency, with bills featuring a 3D security ribbon indicating recent vintage. Despite no clues to a rightful owner, the police found no evidence of a crime and allowed Kane and Agostini to keep the money.

Kane and Agostini plan to take the soggy bills to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington to redeem them, although some may be too damaged to recover. The couple has ideas for how to spend whatever they end up with, including a new vehicle and equipment upgrades for content production. Kane, who has gained attention for his magnet fishing exploits shared on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, is no stranger to making interesting finds in the city’s waterways, including bicycles, guns, grenades, and jewelry. While some skeptics question the authenticity of magnet fishing videos, Kane believes in his luck when it comes to finding valuable items.

Magnet fishing has gained popularity in recent years, with enthusiasts using powerful magnets, bodies of water, and ropes to search for treasures. Notable discoveries include a human skull padlocked to an exercise dumbbell found in New Orleans last month and a rifle and belongings belonging to a couple killed nine years ago pulled up from a creek in Georgia in April. While some suspect videos may be staged, Kane attributes his success to luck, claiming to have found items that others have been searching for extensively in New York City waterways.

Despite the unexpected windfall of the money found in the safe, the task ahead for Kane and Agostini involves salvaging and redeeming as much of the damaged currency as possible at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington. The police confirming the lack of evidence of a crime allowed the couple to keep the money as a “finders keepers” situation, providing them with a unique opportunity to significantly impact their lives. With plans in place for the potential funds, including investments in new equipment and personal acquisitions, Kane expresses gratitude for the discoveries he continues to make through magnet fishing, showcasing his adventures and finds on various social media platforms.

While magnet fishing continues to intrigue and captivate audiences through videos shared online, including those by Kane, skeptics note the possibility of staged finds in the popular trend. Despite doubts raised on platforms like Reddit, where some question the authenticity of discoveries, Kane stands by his success, attributing it to luck and unique circumstances. His dedication to the hobby has resulted in remarkable and diverse findings, ranging from valuable currency to dangerous items like firearms and explosives, highlighting the unpredictable nature of magnet fishing and its potential for surprising outcomes.

The allure of magnet fishing lies in its simplicity and accessibility, requiring only a few tools such as a powerful magnet, a body of water, and a rope. With the potential to uncover hidden treasures or unexpected items, enthusiasts like Kane find joy and excitement in exploring the depths of waterways in search of unique discoveries. As the activity gains popularity and attracts a wider audience, stories like Kane’s discovery of the safe filled with money serve as a reminder of the endless possibilities that magnet fishing offers, from valuable finds to historical artifacts and unusual objects that captivate and intrigue both participants and spectators.

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