Maduro has been utilizing new campaign strategies, such as joining TikTok and Instagram Live, to connect with voters and mask the flaws of his years in power. With over 2.2 million followers on TikTok, Maduro has been showcasing his rallies where he interacts with supporters through singing, dancing, and praying. Supporters like mototaxi driver Alfred Rajoy proudly attend these rallies, displaying their devotion to the Chavismo movement through clothing adorned with Maduro and Chavez’s faces. Despite acknowledging the government’s failures in corruption and human rights violations, Rajoy remains loyal to Maduro.

As the election approaches, the government has taken actions to dismantle and discourage opposition, such as detaining dozens of opposition members and shutting down establishments supporting rival presidential candidate Gonzalez. Some supporters, like Guillermo Avila, view criticisms of the government as misinformation spread by the opposition, believing in Maduro’s participatory government and economic progress. However, critics like Gunson point to Maduro’s alleged abuses and repression of dissent, questioning his supposed “man of the people” image.

Opposition voters fear that Maduro and his supporters may not respect a potential win by Gonzalez, given Maduro’s track record of cracking down on dissent. While some supporters like Bermudez view a potential loss by Maduro as the destruction of Venezuela, others like Rajoy remain optimistic about the democratic process and the importance of respecting the election results. Both sides eagerly anticipate the results of the election, which coincidentally falls on Chavez’s birthday.

Maduro’s use of social media and campaign events to connect with voters aims to present a positive image of his government and drum up support for his re-election. Supporters like Rajoy see Maduro as a champion of the Chavismo movement, overlooking the government’s shortcomings in corruption and human rights abuses. On the other hand, critics question Maduro’s socialist credentials and his government’s repression of opposition voices.

As the election date approaches, tensions rise between Maduro’s supporters and the opposition, with concerns over the potential response to the election results if they do not favor Maduro. While some supporters view a loss by Maduro as catastrophic for the country, others emphasize the importance of democracy and respecting the will of the voters. The outcome of the election, taking place on Chavez’s birthday, holds significant implications for the future of Venezuela and the direction of its government under Maduro.

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