President Emmanuel Macron denied any political connection to the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who was arrested in Paris on suspicion of failing to curtail illegal content on the platform. Durov, who holds both French and Russian citizenship, has been accused of various offenses including fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and promotion of terrorism. Macron emphasized that the arrest was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and was not a political decision.

Durov, a tech tycoon with an estimated fortune of $15.5 billion, has been involved in the tech industry since his early 20s when he built Russia’s largest social network VKontakte. Following his departure from Russia, he founded Telegram, which currently has over 900 million users. Despite the accusations against him, Durov has maintained that he has nothing to hide and frequently travels in Europe. The company responded by stating that Telegram complies with EU laws and industry moderation standards and cannot be held responsible for the misuse of the platform.

Telegram has positioned itself as a neutral platform and an alternative to US-owned platforms known for exploiting users’ data. The messaging app has played a significant role during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, being used by politicians and commentators on both sides of the conflict. However, critics have accused Telegram of hosting illegal content, including extreme sexual imagery, disinformation, and narcotic services. Despite these criticisms, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia had not received specific information on the reasons for Durov’s detention.

French authorities issued an arrest warrant for Durov in connection with a preliminary investigation on various criminal offenses. Durov’s detention period was extended to allow for further questioning, after which the investigating magistrate will determine whether to press charges and remand him in custody. As Durov remains in custody, questions have been raised about why he flew into France despite being aware that he was wanted in the country. Macron stressed the importance of upholding freedom of expression within the legal framework, stating that it is the judiciary’s role to enforce the law independently.

The unexpected arrest of Pavel Durov has raised concerns about the timing and circumstances of his detention, with many wondering about the motivations behind the allegations against him. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the case, government officials, tech leaders, and the public have expressed support for Durov, with prominent figures like Elon Musk advocating for his freedom. Macron’s statement on the matter aims to reassure the public that the arrest was carried out as part of a legal investigation and does not have any political implications. As the case continues to unfold, the focus remains on the judicial process and the need to uphold the rule of law.

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