French President Emmanuel Macron has urged for a temporary cease-fire during the Paris Olympics, hoping to use the opportunity to build peace in Ukraine. However, both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy have rejected the idea. Macron believes that Putin’s refusal to participate in the truce shows that he is not ready to make peace in Ukraine, despite claiming to be available for peace in the past.

Macron had called for the truce earlier this month alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping, who has declared a “no limits” partnership with Putin despite claiming to be neutral in the conflict in Ukraine. Macron sees the Olympic truce as an opportunity to engage diplomatically with China and others, as well as to increase pressure on those who initiated the war. He believes that sustainable peace should be the end goal, but taking advantage of the Olympic window could help move towards that goal.

Macron’s position on Russia has become more hawkish in recent months, with the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine not being ruled out. Putin has criticized the International Olympic Committee for violating its own principles by banning Russian athletes from competing under their country’s own flag or name. Zelenskyy has also spoken out against a truce that would benefit the enemy, indicating that he is not in favor of such a temporary pause in hostilities.

The concept of the Olympic truce dates back to the ancient Games in 776 B.C., where it was known as Ekecheiria, meaning “holding of hands” in Greek. It was revived and adopted by the IOC in 1993 as a way to allow athletes and spectators to travel between warring Greek city-states. However, the truce has been ignored at least three times since then, all involving Russia. The Russia-Georgia War started during the Beijing 2008 Olympics, while Moscow’s occupation of Crimea in 2014 and its invasion of Ukraine in 2022 also occurred during Olympic events.

Overall, Macron’s call for an Olympic truce as a step towards peace in Ukraine has been met with resistance from key players like Putin and Zelenskyy. While the concept of the truce dates back to ancient times, its implementation has not always been successful, especially in recent history involving conflicts with Russia. The refusal to participate in the truce could indicate a lack of willingness on Putin’s part to engage in peace talks, despite ongoing instability in the region.

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