The article discusses the recent controversy surrounding the potential change of the logo of the Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) party, as Beppe Grillo, the guarantor of the party, humorously launches the ‘Movimento 5 Pec’ on Facebook. The post features a new symbol with the words ‘MoVimento’ and 5 dots representing the Pec certified email symbol, replacing the traditional five stars. Additionally, a website ‘’ has been created. Despite the jabs from Grillo, party leader Giuseppe Conte has chosen not to engage in a back-and-forth with Grillo, stating that the constitutional process will continue. The party leaders are focused on internal discussions and consultations with members and supporters leading up to the final assembly, scheduled for October 19-20.

While Grillo continues to criticize Conte in public letters, Conte remains focused on the constitutional process and aims to engage with all his energy in the upcoming assembly. The constant publication of private letters by Grillo is seen as a sign of weakness in Conte’s inner circle, who are determined to stay on track with the scheduled events. The ongoing internal discussions and consultations with thousands of proposals from members may lead to a potential delay in the final assembly date, as party leaders want to ensure a thorough and inclusive process. The second phase of the constitutional process is expected to be detailed in a forthcoming announcement on the party’s official website.

The refusal to engage in a public dispute with Grillo highlights Conte’s commitment to focusing on the larger goal of the constitutional process amidst the ongoing controversies within the party. The accusations and public letters from Grillo are seen as attempts to undermine Conte’s leadership, yet Conte remains steadfast in his dedication to the party’s future. The upcoming assembly will involve a comprehensive review and consultation process to ensure that all voices within the party are heard and considered. Despite the challenges and distractions, Conte and his team are determined to stay on course and move forward with their agenda.

The internal dynamics within the M5S party continue to be influenced by the clash between Grillo and Conte, with Grillo’s public letters being seen as a hindrance to the party’s progress by some members of Conte’s team. The focus on the constitutional process and the upcoming assembly remains a top priority for Conte and his allies, who are determined to navigate through the current challenges. The potential delay in the assembly date due to the extensive consultations with members reflects the party’s commitment to inclusivity and thorough decision-making processes. As the party moves forward, Conte’s leadership and dedication to the M5S’s future will be crucial in overcoming the current obstacles and achieving their goals.

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