Selina Stefanski recently experienced a devastating loss when her mother, Tatjana Stefanski, was tragically killed. The 16-year-old, along with her nine-year-old brother, has been left to grieve the loss of their mother, who was described as a kind and selfless woman. Tatjana Stefanski was last seen with her ex-husband on April 13, and her body was found the next day on the outskirts of town. Despite an arrest being made in the area shortly after the incident, more than five weeks have passed with no charges laid and no suspect named, leaving the family in hiding and constant fear.

Selina Stefanski expressed her desire for the person responsible for her mother’s death to be put behind bars so that she can find some closure and stop living in constant worry and fear. Tatjana Stefanski’s partner, Jason Gaudreault, also shared the sentiment of feeling constantly on edge and anxiously awaiting for some type of closure. The family has been overwhelmed by the lack of progress in the investigation and the uncertainty of the situation, making it difficult for them to properly grieve their loss. They continue to hope for the day when there will be concrete developments in the case.

Cpl. James Grandy of the RCMP’s Southeast District stated that there were no further updates to provide about the ongoing investigation, leaving the family frustrated by the lack of information and progress. Despite their disappointment, the family holds no resentment towards the police, acknowledging that they are working within the constraints of the law. In the meantime, they are advocating for changes in catch-and-release laws in honor of their deceased loved one, believing that it is necessary not only for their family but for all victims of crime. They are determined to fight for justice and reform in hopes of preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Selina Stefanski expressed her gratitude for the support and kindness of the Lumby community during this difficult time, acknowledging the ways in which they have provided assistance and comfort to her family. She remembered her mother fondly for her big and kind heart, reflecting on her as the best mother she could have asked for. Despite the pain and loss they are experiencing, the family is taking things day by day as they navigate through their grief and wait for justice to be served. They continue to lean on the support of their community and hold onto the hope that one day they will have closure and be able to properly mourn the loss of their beloved Tatjana Stefanski.

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