Reading allows us to visit places and times in both the real and imaginary worlds without moving. The writer’s mother used this phrase as a tribute to her for teaching her to love reading. When Javier Reverte passed away, the writer wrote a similar letter to express gratitude for the gift of reading that both her mother and herself received. The writer reflects on the sadness of losing authors like Paul Auster, whom they never met, and ponders on which person’s absence from literature would affect them the most. Reading connects us to writers around the world, allowing them to discover new corners of the heart and mind. The writer thanks her mother for showing her the path to a better life.

The writer expresses concern over the state of the political right, pointing out that those who incite conflict and chaos know that once these are generated, any attempt at logical argument is in vain. The derogatory jokes, personal attacks, and disrespectful references towards political figures demonstrate the lack of reason within the right. The writer believes that Spain urgently needs a reasonable and moderate right-wing perspective to avoid sinking into chaos, suggesting that only bacteria thriving on sulfur will survive the fallout.

To improve democracy, the writer suggests that the President of the Government make changes in the leadership of key public institutions such as the CIS, Agencia EFE, and RTVE. By advocating for the depoliticization of these public companies, the President would possess greater moral authority to demand democratic regeneration from others. This change could set a positive example for promoting transparency, accountability, and fairness within these institutions.

A personal reflection on the impact of social media on daily life is shared by a writer who recently took a 33-day break from using their mobile phone’s social apps. Upon returning to Instagram, they encountered a post with the caption “disappeared for a good reason.” This experience made the writer realize that being offline for a period can lead to greater presence in the real world. The writer highlights the importance of balancing online connectivity with real-life experiences, emphasizing the value of being fully present in the physical world.

The writer observes that the behavior displayed on public transportation reflects the level of civic education within a society. Despite the diverse backgrounds and occupations of passengers, uncivil behaviors such as loud phone conversations and playing videos at high volumes are tolerated under the guise of freedom of expression. The writer calls for a revival of civility and manners, urging respect for those who seek a peaceful and relaxed journey on public transport. Respecting the rights of others is essential for creating a harmonious and considerate community.

In the final paragraph, the guidelines for submitting texts to EL PAÍS are outlined. Submissions must be sent exclusively to the newspaper, should not exceed 100 words, and must include the author’s full name, city of residence, telephone number, and identification document. EL PAÍS reserves the right to publish, summarize, or extract the content of the submissions without providing further information. The email address for submitting texts is provided for those who wish to contribute to the publication.

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