Louis Mermaz, a prominent figure in French politics and a faithful companion of François Mitterrand, passed away at the age of 92 in his home in Essonne, as announced by François Durovray on August 15th. Mermaz’s political career included serving as a minister and as president of the National Assembly. He was known for his unwavering dedication to serving his country and his commitment to the political landscape. His passing was met with tributes from political figures such as Olivier Faure, who praised Mermaz’s sharp intellect and enduring support.

Louis Mermaz was born in Paris on August 20th, 1931, and later discovered his true origins. In his memoirs, titled “Il faut que je vous dise” (Odile Jacob, 2013), he revealed that his father was a minister during the Third Republic, but he did not bear his surname due to his father’s marriage to another woman. As a young student, Mermaz dreamed of becoming a deputy and began writing political articles at the age of 14. He later pursued a career in history, earning his aggregation at La Sorbonne and teaching for fifteen years. Despite his conservative background, he married Annie Bernard d’Arbigny and embraced a life dedicated to socialist values.

Mermaz’s path intersected with François Mitterrand in 1954, marking a turning point in his life. He joined Mitterrand in the Union démocratique et socialiste de la Résistance (UDSR) in 1956 and ran for office under this party’s banner in the Orne region. Despite facing multiple defeats in the elections of 1956, 1958, and 1962, Mermaz remained devoted to Mitterrand and the socialist cause. Their partnership solidified over the years, with Mermaz becoming one of Mitterrand’s most loyal and trusted allies.

In addition to his political career, Mermaz was a respected historian with a particular interest in figures such as Madame de Maintenon and the Hohenzollern dynasty. He published books on these topics and taught at several educational institutions throughout his career. Despite his scholarly pursuits, Mermaz remained rooted in his socialist beliefs and was known for his unwavering commitment to social justice and equality. His marriage to Annie Bernard d’Arbigny symbolized his adherence to traditional values, even as he navigated the complex world of politics.

Louis Mermaz’s passing marks the end of an era in French politics, with many mourning the loss of a dedicated public servant and loyal friend. His legacy as a steadfast supporter of François Mitterrand and a key figure in the socialist movement will endure in the hearts of those who knew him. As tributes pour in from across the political spectrum, Mermaz’s contributions to the nation’s history and his unwavering commitment to his principles will be remembered as a testament to his enduring impact on French society.

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