Michael Marquardt, a Biden appointee, has been instrumental in recruiting Chinese businesses to invest in Delaware. He has served as a global advisor for the Delaware Prosperity Partnership (DPP) since 2017 and has used his social media to highlight his work in introducing Chinese business leaders to Delaware. Marquardt has also been involved in events promoting business ties between China and the United States, including attending a China-U.S. Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference. He has posted various updates on his social media accounts about meetings with Chinese business executives and events promoting economic partnerships between the two countries.

Marquardt’s connections to the Biden family go back over two decades, as his wife, Claire DeMatteis, served as then-Senator Biden’s senior counsel from 1994 to 2004. Last summer, Marquardt posted a video of his wedding reception, featuring Biden giving a toast in 2003. Biden praised Marquardt and joked about their association through Biden’s brother-in-law, Jack Owens, who invested in a company co-founded by Marquardt. Marquardt and his wife have been generous donors to Biden’s campaigns, contributing over $50,000 between 2003 and 2024. Marquardt has frequently shared photos of himself with President Biden and other prominent politicians on his social media accounts.

In addition to his work with the DPP, Marquardt has also been involved in various events and meetings aimed at fostering business relationships between the U.S. and China. He attended a China-U.S. Tourism Year closing ceremony in 2016 and met with the China Entrepreneur Club in Beijing in 2018. Marquardt has emphasized his passion for assisting foreign countries in investing in the United States and highlighting the benefits of Delaware as a business destination. He has expressed pride in educating others about the opportunities available in Delaware for international businesses.

Marquardt’s ties to powerful Chinese business leaders and organizations have raised questions about his role in promoting Chinese investment in Delaware. Critics have pointed to his connections with the China Entrepreneur Club, which includes top Chinese business leaders and politicians with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Marquardt’s involvement in facilitating meetings between Chinese and American companies has drawn scrutiny, especially in light of the growing competition between the U.S. and China in the global economy.

The Biden administration has faced criticism for its approach to China and allegations of promoting business relationships that may benefit the Chinese government. Marquardt’s involvement in promoting Chinese investment in Delaware has raised concerns about conflicts of interest and the potential influence of Chinese businesses in the state. Critics argue that Marquardt’s connections to the Biden family and his role in recruiting Chinese businesses highlight the need for transparency and accountability in U.S.-China business relationships. The Biden administration and Marquardt have not responded to requests for comment on these issues.

Overall, Michael Marquardt’s role in recruiting Chinese businesses to invest in Delaware, his ties to the Biden family, and his involvement in promoting economic partnerships between the U.S. and China have sparked controversy and raised questions about his potential conflicts of interest. Marquardt’s connections with powerful Chinese business leaders and organizations have drawn scrutiny from critics who are concerned about the influence of Chinese businesses in the U.S. economy. The Biden administration’s approach to China and its promotion of business relationships with Chinese companies have come under increased scrutiny, particularly in light of growing tensions between the two countries.

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