Monica Brzoska and her husband Jorell Conley have left their 9-to-5 jobs, sold all of their belongings, and become full-time cruisers. Their days on luxury cruise ships are filled with decisions about relaxing by the pool or getting spa treatments, and they have staff that takes care of their every need. Despite the luxurious lifestyle, Brzoska emphasizes that she is not a millionaire but instead lives full-time on cruise ships. The couple made the decision to live on the water permanently after Brzoska’s family emergency where her father needed a liver transplant. Her parents encouraged her to follow her dreams without waiting for retirement.

The couple carefully calculated the cost of their new lifestyle and found that they could afford to live on less than $10,000 a year by taking advantage of discounts from frequent Carnival cruises they had previously taken. They also rent out their house in Memphis to keep a steady income. Brzoska finds the experience of leaving life on land to be freeing, as it allows her to enjoy activities and entertainment on the cruise ship without the burdens of responsibilities like cooking and cleaning. The couple spends their days participating in various activities offered on the boat and finds that their marriage has improved since starting their life as full-time cruisers.

Brzoska and Conley have visited numerous countries since becoming full-time cruisers, such as Fiji, Japan, and Greece. They have been on 36 consecutive cruises in the last year, often hopping from one ship to another at the same port. Other couples have also chosen to make travel a central part of their relationships, such as Marcel Popp and Vendula Zakova, who quit their jobs to explore the world together after meeting on vacation in Vietnam, and Matt Robertson and Khani Le, who found themselves stranded in Costa Rica for months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Brzoska describes her life on the water as a dream come true and believes that everything now feels magical.

Life on a cruise ship is not without its challenges, as Brzoska notes that they miss their families though they can fly home for emergencies. Despite these challenges, the couple is content with their decision to live on the water. Brzoska and Conley have found a way to make their ocean adventures sustainable and affordable, allowing them to continue traveling the world and enjoying the luxurious lifestyle of cruise ship living. They prioritize their marriage by scheduling weekly date nights and making time for each other, all while exploring some of the most beautiful destinations the world has to offer. Ultimately, their decision to become full-time cruisers has allowed them to live a dream-like existence full of adventure and new experiences.

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