A new crisis meeting on violence in the French overseas territory of the archipelago is set to take place on Thursday at 11 am in Paris. Sixty-four gendarmes and police officers have been injured since Monday, with approximately 200 people being arrested. The high commissioner of the Republic provided this information, indicating a high level of unrest in the region.

The meeting aims to address the ongoing violence in the archipelago, where tensions have been escalating in recent days. The high number of injuries and arrests underscores the severity of the situation, prompting authorities to take action in order to restore order and ensure the safety of both law enforcement officials and the general public.

The violence in the archipelago has sparked concerns among officials, who are working to understand the underlying causes and find ways to address them. The meeting will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss potential solutions and strategies for de-escalating the situation, as well as to coordinate efforts to restore peace and security in the region.

The high number of injuries among law enforcement officials highlights the dangerous and volatile nature of the situation in the archipelago. Authorities are facing significant challenges in maintaining law and order, and efforts are being made to strengthen security measures and ensure the safety of those tasked with maintaining public order.

The meeting is expected to be a crucial moment in addressing the violence in the archipelago and finding ways to prevent further escalation. By bringing together key stakeholders and decision-makers, the meeting aims to foster collaboration and cooperation in addressing the root causes of the unrest and developing effective strategies to restore peace and security in the region.

Overall, the meeting on Thursday is seen as a critical step in addressing the ongoing crisis in the archipelago and finding solutions to the escalating violence. By working together and pooling resources, authorities hope to be able to effectively address the challenges at hand and restore calm and stability in the region.

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