María Corina Machado held a virtual press conference to discuss the departure of Edmundo González, the candidate who was the projected winner of the presidential elections in Venezuela but has now exiled himself in Spain due to harassment from the Chavez regime. Machado reaffirmed her commitment to staying in the country and fighting for the return of democracy, despite the challenges faced by González. She also highlighted the support of 500 citizens of civil society who demanded respect for popular sovereignty and expressed their support for Machado. Machado called on the military and police forces to uphold the tradition of respecting popular sovereignty, emphasizing the clear victory achieved by González.

While acknowledging the threats faced by González and his family from the Chavez regime, Machado stated that in her perspective, nothing changes in terms of the urgency, legitimacy, agenda, and strategy for the opposition movement. She mentioned that the details of the operation that led to González leaving Venezuela will be revealed in due time, and that he will continue his work from abroad. Notable figures like Elías Pino Iturrieta, Corina Yoris, Nicmer Evans, Sairam Rivas, and Lorenzo Tovar have been called upon by Machado to propose permanent organizational mechanisms to consolidate the transition strategy and continue denouncing the abuses of the Chavez regime and the electoral fraud that took place.

The support from prominent intellectuals and activists for González’s decision to exile himself has been strong, with many agreeing that it was a morally and politically justifiable choice considering the circumstances in Venezuela. The focus now is on creating sustainable organizational structures to continue the fight for democracy and push back against the regime, both domestically and internationally. Machado emphasized that the urgency and legitimacy of the opposition movement remain intact, despite the challenges and setbacks faced by their candidate. The goal is to maintain momentum and pressure on the regime to bring about change.

The departure of González has highlighted the dangers faced by opposition figures in Venezuela and the ongoing repression by the Chavez regime. Machado’s stance against leaving the country despite the risks demonstrates her commitment to the democratic cause and her determination to continue the fight. By mobilizing support from civil society, intellectuals, and activists, the opposition movement aims to build a stronger and more resilient strategy for the transition to democracy, even in the face of adversity. The solidarity and unity among those who support the cause are crucial in battling the authoritarian regime and working towards a free and fair electoral system.

Overall, the press conference led by María Corina Machado served to underscore the challenges and risks faced by opposition figures in Venezuela, particularly in the wake of González’s exile. However, the message of continued commitment to the cause of democracy, the importance of popular sovereignty, and the necessity of maintaining pressure on the regime resonated strongly with supporters and allies. By advocating for sustainable organizational structures and ongoing denunciations of abuses, the opposition movement seeks to build momentum and create lasting change in Venezuela, despite the obstacles and threats posed by the current authoritarian government.

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