The candidate from the German far-right party has become a source of embarrassment for his party and is now banned from attending campaign events and meetings. Despite this, he remains the top candidate for the upcoming European elections because it is too late to change candidates.

The decision to ban the candidate from campaign events was likely made in an effort to distance the party from his controversial views and behavior. It appears that party leadership recognizes the damage that the candidate’s presence could cause to their campaign and is taking steps to limit his influence.

While the candidate may no longer be able to actively participate in campaign events, his position as the top candidate for the European elections remains secure. This decision showcases the lack of options available to the party at this stage in the campaign, as changing candidates so close to the election would likely be disruptive and damaging.

The situation highlights the challenges faced by political parties when dealing with controversial candidates. On one hand, parties may feel compelled to distance themselves from individuals whose views and actions do not align with party values. On the other hand, replacing a candidate so close to an election can be a difficult and risky decision.

Ultimately, the decision to ban the candidate from campaign events reflects the party’s desire to mitigate potential damage to their campaign. By limiting the candidate’s presence at events, the party may hope to prevent further controversy and negative attention. However, the candidate’s continued position as the top candidate for the European elections raises questions about the party’s ability to effectively manage internal conflicts and protect its public image.

As the European elections draw near, the far-right party will need to navigate the challenges posed by their controversial candidate and work to present a united front to voters. The decision to ban the candidate from campaign events is just one step in a larger effort to manage the fallout from his actions and ensure that the party remains competitive in the upcoming elections.

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