The Partido Popular (PP) is celebrating what could be a very successful result in the elections on Sunday in Catalonia. With 52% of the votes counted, the PP has won 14 seats, more than quadrupling their result from three years ago when they only had three seats. Dolors Montserrat, the party’s campaign leader in Catalonia led by Alejandro Fernández, proudly stated, “The PP is back. We are once again the party of reference for sensible Catalonia, the Catalonia that believes in coexistence.” With these provisional results, the PP would once again be the fourth largest force in the Parliament, capitalizing on the collapse of Ciudadanos, who failed to win any seats.

Montserratt further declared, “Today is the first day of what is to come, a period in which we will be crucial in ensuring coexistence between Catalans and the rest of Spain, to ensure that the law is upheld and that no politician is above society.” She also criticized the PSC party for attempting to revive independence and asserted that “not a single vote from the PP will make an independentista president.” The popular leader has claimed her party as “a key reference,” and although she did not explicitly mention it, she is relieved that the PP has surpassed Vox, which currently has 12 seats.

The PP’s success in the elections marks a significant comeback for the party in Catalonia, where they have strengthened their position as a moderate and pro-coexistence force in the region. This result reflects a rejection of independence movements and an appeal to maintaining unity within Spain. The PP’s resurgence to the fourth largest party in the Parliament is a clear message to other parties that there is still a significant segment of the population that values unity and cohabitation over separatist interests. This success positions the PP as a central player in future political negotiations and decisions in Catalonia.

The PP’s strong showing in the elections also sends a message to the Catalan society that the party is committed to defending the rights and interests of citizens against any threats of independence or separatist movements. This commitment to upholding the law and ensuring that politicians are accountable to the people resonates with many voters who value stability and unity within the country. The PP’s reiteration of their role as a key player in maintaining social order and coexistence indicates their willingness to actively engage in discussions and actions that will benefit Catalonia and all its citizens.

Overall, the PP’s performance in the elections demonstrates a significant shift in the political landscape in Catalonia, with the party emerging as a strong force for moderation and coexistence. Their increased support and success at the polls indicate a growing rejection of separatist movements and an embrace of unity and stability. The PP’s renewed position as the fourth largest party in the Parliament highlights their relevance and importance in shaping the future of Catalonia and ensuring that the interests of all citizens are protected and represented in political decisions.

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