Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently presented his Victory Plan to EU and NATO allies, which includes a proposal for Ukraine’s NATO membership. Baltic countries like Lithuania have expressed their support for this proposal, citing it as a crucial step towards ensuring Ukraine’s future security and deterring Russia. Lithuanian Defence Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas emphasized that extending an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO is essential in sending a message to Russia that it does not have veto power over the future size of the alliance. While some countries, including the US, view the proposal as a provocation to Russia, others like Hungary and Slovakia are actively against it.

During the 75th anniversary of the NATO Summit in Washington DC last July, Ukraine was told it was on an “irreversible bridge” towards membership, but no formal invitation was extended. Kasčiūnas highlighted the distinction between an invitation and full membership, stating that it will take several years for Ukraine to meet the necessary interoperability levels and standards of the alliance. However, extending an invitation would signal to both Russia and Ukraine the irreversibility of Ukraine’s western direction and independent sovereignty. Kasčiūnas stressed that the Ukrainian nation, which is fighting for its independence and the security of its allies, deserves the right to self-determination through a NATO invitation as a symbolic step towards membership.

The Lithuanian Defence Minister argued that the current impasse in NATO’s decision-making process regarding Ukraine is counterproductive, as Russia only responds to strength. He pointed out that Baltic countries, including his own, have long advocated for stronger actions against Russia, such as providing more weapons to Ukraine for deterrence. However, these warnings were ignored, and the lack of action has only emboldened Russia. Kasčiūnas emphasized that doing nothing in response to Russia’s aggression is more escalatory than taking proactive measures to strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities.

The proposal for Ukraine’s NATO membership has sparked a debate among member countries, with some viewing it as a necessary step towards bolstering Ukraine’s security and asserting its sovereignty. Lithuania’s support for the proposal stems from a belief that denying NATO membership to Ukraine would be sending the wrong message to Russia about its influence over the alliance’s enlargement. While concerns about provoking Russia and escalating tensions exist, advocates for Ukraine’s membership argue that strength and deterrence are key factors in preventing further aggression from Russia. Kasčiūnas emphasized that an invitation to join NATO is not the same as full membership, but it serves as a significant point of no return for Ukraine in terms of its alignment with the West.

Despite differing opinions among NATO allies, there is a consensus among some countries like Lithuania that extending an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO is a crucial step in affirming the country’s path towards a western orientation and independent sovereignty. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, fueled by Russian aggression, underscores the urgent need for stronger action from NATO in support of Ukraine’s defense capabilities. Kasčiūnas stressed that the current approach of inaction and hesitation has only emboldened Russia and destabilized the region. By extending an invitation to join NATO, the alliance can send a clear signal to both Russia and Ukraine about the irreversible commitment to Ukraine’s security and territorial integrity.

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