Lisa Vanderpump, known for her appearances on various reality TV shows, has now expanded her empire with the release of Vanderpump Villa. This series follows her hand-picked staff as they work at her French château, Château Rosabelle. Just like her previous shows, Vanderpump must manage a cast of strong personalities while ensuring her guests have a wonderful experience at the villa. The drama kicks off early in the season with arguments between staff members, manager conflicts, and plenty of drinking happening behind Vanderpump’s back.

With a limited number of employees at the château, Vanderpump doesn’t have the option to suspend or fire them as she could at SUR. However, she jokes about potentially having a full house of replacement staff if she were to do a second season. Vanderpump had to find different ways to discipline her employees, eventually taking lead server Marciano “to task” for his behavior. She mentions that Marciano will show growth and a softer side as the season progresses, distinguishing him from Jax Taylor, another problematic employee from her past shows.

Vanderpump explains that the initial recruitment of staff for the show involved hiring well-qualified individuals who could hit the ground running without needing extensive training. Relationships among the staff added an interesting dynamic to the show, especially as they lived and worked closely together at the Château. She allowed staff to socialize with guests after completing their duties, further complicating their interactions. Vanderpump acknowledges that managing the château staff was challenging due to the limited number of employees available to fulfill various roles and responsibilities.

When asked about the comparison between Marciano and Jax Taylor, Vanderpump dismisses it, emphasizing Marciano’s potential for growth and change. She acknowledges that Marciano may have been influenced by alcohol during arguments with female staff members but asserts that she addressed his behavior promptly. As for Eric Funderwhite, Vanderpump notes his eccentric behavior and the challenges he presented by changing her plans without consultation. She reflects on the difficulties of managing the staff in a remote location with limited resources and mentions that she might approach things differently in a potential second season.

Vanderpump expresses her excitement about the new show and views it as a valuable addition to the Vanderpump-verse. She believes that viewers will become immersed in the world of Vanderpump Villa and Château Rosabelle, following the staff’s storylines and feeling a sense of nostalgia once the season ends. The show provides a unique look at the challenges and dynamics of running a French château, with Vanderpump’s signature style and management style on full display. Overall, Vanderpump Villa promises to deliver entertainment, drama, and a glimpse into the glamorous yet tumultuous world of Lisa Vanderpump’s workplace ventures.

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