Lindsay Lohan recently shared a positive message on social media with her nearly 15 million followers. The 38-year-old actress posted a closeup selfie showing her in the final stages of hair and makeup. She had four black clips in her red-tinged hair, styled in a center part with soft ringlets falling around her face. Clad in a white robe, Lohan wore a soft smile and captioned the photo with ‘Have a great week,’ receiving over 100,000 likes. Previously, Lohan shared a photo of herself riding a bike with a huge smile on her face in character as Anna Coleman from Freaky Friday. She expressed gratitude to the cast, crew, and producers for their effort in making the movie.
The sequel, Freakier Friday, sees Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis reprising their characters of Anna and Tess, more than two decades after they switched bodies in the 2003 film remake. In the new movie, Anna now has a daughter and a soon-to-be stepdaughter, and the mother-daughter duo realize that switching bodies was not a once-in-a-lifetime event. The film, described as a ‘love letter to mothers and daughters’ by Curtis, highlights the three generations in the story. Anna is seen looking to Tess for advice, while Tess still wants to provide guidance to her daughter, creating a beautiful dynamic between the characters.
Jamie Lee Curtis also reflected on working on the sequel in a recent Instagram post, expressing gratitude for Lindsay Lohan’s contribution to making the movie possible. She mentioned feeling grateful for the experience and the opportunity to work together, hinting at future collaborations. Lohan responded with love and gratitude, looking forward to more fun times together in the future. The sequel, Freakier Friday, was wrapped up in August, with Lohan sharing a photo from the set as she thanked everyone involved in the production for their hard work and dedication.
At Disney’s D23 conference, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan discussed the beauty of portraying the mother-daughter relationship in Freakier Friday. Curtis described the movie as a tribute to mothers and daughters, highlighting the connection between the characters in the story. Lohan expressed her joy in seeing Anna seek advice from Tess while also wanting to offer guidance, showing a heartfelt bond between the characters. The sequel, set to be released in the near future, promises to bring back the beloved characters of Tess and Anna in a new and exciting storyline that explores the complexities of family relationships.
Overall, Lindsay Lohan’s recent social media posts and updates about the Freakier Friday sequel showcase her dedication to her craft and the joy she finds in working on projects like these. The positive messages shared by Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis reflect the camaraderie and gratitude felt by the cast and crew during the filming process. Fans of the original film and new audiences can look forward to experiencing the magic of Freakier Friday and witnessing the evolution of the characters portrayed by Lohan and Curtis. The sequel promises to be a heartwarming and entertaining continuation of the beloved story, with themes of family, love, and transformation at its core.