Jade Ventoniemi, an American who has been living in Finland for the past five years, fell in love with the country’s natural beauty and societal structure during her first visit in 2017. Ventoniemi was impressed by the seamless integration of recycling options, absence of homelessness, and the independence and care evident in everyday life. Ventoniemi’s husband, a professional basketball player, had the opportunity to pursue his career in Finland, prompting her to join him in the country. Ventoniemi now runs her own marketing firm, catering to Nordic companies in the tourism and retail industries.

Ventoniemi highlights three main reasons why she loves living in Finland. First and foremost, life in Finland is organized around being in nature. Finnish cities are located near outdoor spaces, encouraging daily interactions with nature. Ventoniemi enjoys spending time in the forests, biking to coffee shops by the lake, and embracing outdoor activities regardless of the weather. These experiences have greatly improved her mental health, providing a sense of calm and therapy. In contrast to her time in the U.S., where she would mostly avoid outdoor activities due to the hot and humid climate, Ventoniemi cherishes the daily doses of nature that Finland offers.

One aspect that stands out to Ventoniemi is the Finnish culture of lifelong fitness. The emphasis on staying active well into old age is evident in the various activities and programs available for people of all ages. Ventoniemi recalls an experience when a three-year-old and a man in his 70s passed her by while cross-country skiing, showcasing the inclusivity and encouragement present in Finnish society. The lack of judgment and fear surrounding trying new activities has allowed Ventoniemi to explore various hobbies and make new friends through sporting clubs and lessons.

Ventoniemi is struck by the societal well-being emphasized in Finland. She notes the generous leave packages for new parents, the culture of pay transparency, and the availability of free higher education for citizens. Public transportation is convenient and affordable, with additional benefits such as free rides for parents with strollers. The accessible infrastructure, along with easy-to-understand recycling systems and affordable healthcare, contributes to a sense of safety and community. Despite initial perceptions of quiet malls and lack of socializing, Ventoniemi has found warmth and genuineness in the Finnish people upon getting to know them.

After living in Finland for five years, Ventoniemi reflects on how the country’s values of slow living, nature, self-sufficiency, and staying active have shaped her. She credits her time in Finland for helping her become the person she is today. Ventoniemi, a former NCAA basketball player and content creator, now runs a marketing firm called Bright Soul Oy in Lahti, Finland, where she resides with her husband and their mini poodle. Embracing the Finnish way of life, Ventoniemi enjoys swimming in frozen lakes, exploring forests, and sharing her journey on social media. Through her experiences, Ventoniemi highlights the beauty and benefits of living in Finland.

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