The NSW Liberal Party is in a crisis as it failed to lodge more than 100 candidate nominations by the deadline for the upcoming council elections. The party has given the Electoral Commission a deadline to respond to a letter outlining concerns with the electoral process by 4pm today. If the commission does not grant a seven-day extension for nominations, the Liberals are prepared to take court action on Sunday or Monday. Liberal Party president Don Harwin has written to the commission citing “issues” with the issuance of electoral notices and nomination forms.

The letter also references section 286 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, which allows for the election manager to determine the nomination deadline in a particular case. The Liberals believe that the commission erred in not using this discretion and may argue this in the Supreme Court. Ballots for the September 14 election have already been drawn, but papers are yet to be printed. There is a sense of urgency to resolve the situation as soon as possible, with predictions that the matter will likely end up in the Supreme Court.

Liberal lawyers are actively working on the challenge, with Don Harwin leading the efforts. He is also simultaneously involved in the preselection process for the Epping byelection. As a blame game ensues within the party over the failure to nominate candidates on time, Harwin is fighting to retain his position as party president. The debacle has resulted in 140 Liberal candidates across 16 councils being left out due to the missed deadline, leading to a significant crisis within the party.

Despite the looming threat of court action, the NSW Liberal Party is hopeful that the Electoral Commission will grant the requested extension for submitting nominations. The party is determined to rectify the situation and have its candidates included on the ballot for the upcoming council elections. With elections fast approaching, the urgency to resolve this issue is crucial, as the Liberals aim to salvage their chances in the upcoming polls. The decision of the Electoral Commission in response to the party’s letter will have significant implications for the future of the Liberal Party and its candidates in the upcoming elections.

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