The author of this letter is addressing fellow French citizens who, like themselves, may not fit the criteria of being truly French in the eyes of the far-right National Rally party. This includes naturalized citizens, dual nationals, and those born and raised in France but not fitting the stereotypical image favored by the extreme right. They emphasize the sense of being targeted and marginalized during the current uncertain election period, urging unity and solidarity among those who feel excluded or threatened.

Having come to France at a young age from Morocco, the author acknowledges the contributions of the French Republic in shaping their identity and providing opportunities for growth and education. They express a deep sense of belonging to the country and its values, all while appreciating the freedom to create their own path and identity. Despite wanting to be judged solely on their actions rather than their background, they recognize the challenges faced by immigrants in French society and the need to continue fighting for equality and justice.

The author reflects on their experiences as a minister and the scrutiny faced by themselves and other immigrants in positions of power. They highlight the unfair targeting and caricaturing by right-wing populists, as well as the constant struggle to prove themselves in the face of discrimination and prejudice. The challenges of navigating a society still marked by elitism and racism are acknowledged, emphasizing the importance of unity and support in the fight for equality and inclusion.

The letter points to the deep-rooted issues in French society that have fueled xenophobic debates and the stigmatization of minority groups. The author questions the validity of linking crime, extremism, or violence against women to specific ethnic or racial backgrounds, calling for accountability and serious consideration of the underlying causes rather than blanket accusations. The detrimental impact of divisive rhetoric and fear-mongering is emphasized, as well as the urgent need to address these harmful narratives to prevent further exclusion and discrimination.

The author warns of the looming threat posed by far-right ideologies and the potential erosion of the values of equality and brotherhood in the French Republic. They stress the importance of standing together against intolerance and hatred, advocating for a society where diversity is celebrated rather than used as a tool for division. The letter serves as a call to action for all those who cherish the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, urging solidarity and resistance against forces seeking to undermine the unity and inclusivity of French society.

In conclusion, the letter serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by immigrants and marginalized communities in France, as well as the collective responsibility to uphold the values of democracy and social justice. The author’s personal story and reflections on the current political climate underscore the need for vigilance and activism in defending the rights and dignity of all citizens, regardless of their background or origin. This heartfelt plea for unity and solidarity resonates with the broader call for a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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