An aperitif is a drink intended to stimulate the appetite and open the door to a meal. The origin of the word “aperitif” can be traced back to Latin, meaning “to open or uncover.” Celebrated on May 16th, National Aperitif Day pays homage to drinks that give a tingling sensation in the jaw, signaling a desire for food. The concept of an aperitif dates back to the 5th century, with the first mention coming from Diadochos of Photiki, who associated them with preparing for a meal.

Each zodiac sign is linked to a specific classic aperitif, reflecting its personality traits and characteristics. For example, Aries is represented by the Negroni, known for its fiery origins and acrimonious history. Taurus embodies the Bourbon and Blood cocktail, incorporating the strength of the bull with a touch of elegance. Geminis align with the classic Vodka Martini, balancing the duality and charm of the sign. Cancer is linked to Ouzo, mirroring its moody and unpredictable nature.

Leo’s spirit drink is the French 75, capturing the celebratory and dramatic essence of the sign. Virgos find solace in the Pimm’s Cup, a sophisticated and balanced beverage reflecting their meticulous nature. Libra resonates with the Vesper cocktail, showcasing the sign’s indecisiveness and preference for excess. Scorpio’s match is the Last Word, a complex and bitter drink resembling the sign’s secretive and intense qualities.

Sagittarius is represented by the Gimlet, combining opportunity and optimism into a satisfying cocktail. Capricorn aligns with Carpano Antica Americano, embodying the sign’s refined and superior demeanor. The Bitter Giuseppe cocktail, featuring the unique ingredient of Cynar, represents the eccentric and independent Aquarius. Finally, Pisces is symbolized by the Aperol Spritz, a breezy and deceiving drink that can lead to unexpected adventures.

Astrologer Reda Wigle delves into the connection between astrology and aperitifs through poetic and irreverent horoscope readings. By linking each zodiac sign to a classic drink, she explores the nuances and personality traits associated with different beverages. This unique approach to astrology blends history, pop culture, and personal experience, creating a whimsical and entertaining exploration of the zodiac signs and their corresponding aperitifs.

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