President Giuseppe Conte of the 5 Star Movement announced during a press conference in Bari that they are resigning from their roles in the government and relinquishing all positions in the regional council of Puglia. He praised the professional and political history of Michele Emiliano, the current president of the region, and defended the decision to collaborate with his administration. Conte emphasized the movement’s commitment to changing politics and not allowing themselves to be influenced by it. He stressed the need for a clean slate and the eradication of corrupt practices in Puglia, stating that the 5 Star Movement stands for constitutional guarantees in legal processes.

Conte expressed concern about the spread of corrupt practices in Puglia and the need to address these issues. He highlighted the importance of upholding constitutional principles in legal proceedings while acknowledging the presence of grey areas in the region’s politics. Conte emphasized that the movement’s core values include transparency, integrity, and a commitment to upholding the law. He suggested that the recent judicial events in Puglia have revealed an expansion of corrupt practices in various territories, making it incompatible with the principles of the 5 Star Movement.

The former prime minister asserted that the 5 Star Movement remains steadfast in its goal to bring about positive change in politics and society. He reiterated the importance of conducting a thorough clean-up of corrupt practices and eradicating unethical behavior in the region. Conte called for a renewal of the political landscape and a commitment to upholding democratic values and ethical standards. He emphasized the need to address the roots of corruption and ensure that public officials act in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

In his statement, Conte commended Michele Emiliano’s leadership in the region and acknowledged their past collaboration. He expressed appreciation for Emiliano’s efforts to promote positive change and uphold democratic principles. Conte highlighted the challenges facing Puglia and the importance of working together to address these issues. He emphasized the need for joint efforts to combat corruption and restore public trust in the political system. Overall, Conte’s speech underscored the 5 Star Movement’s commitment to integrity, transparency, and good governance.

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