Lunden Roberts, the mother of one of Hunter Biden’s children, recounts her journey in a new memoir titled “Out of the Shadows.” The book details her experience as a single mother in Arkansas, from a bitter paternity fight to a tearful family reconciliation that involved a public acknowledgment from President Joe Biden. Roberts describes meeting Hunter in Washington, DC, falling in love with him despite his addiction issues, and the challenges of raising their daughter alone.

Roberts, who identifies as an “old-fashioned Arkansas Democrat,” voted for Joe Biden in 2020 but hired a “MAGA-loving attorney” to fight Hunter Biden in court. The memoir also touches on episodes that may be relevant to Hunter Biden’s upcoming tax evasion trial, where Roberts has been subpoenaed to testify. Hunter Biden’s lawyers and the White House have not yet commented on the book.

The book dives into Roberts and Hunter Biden’s relationship, which began in early 2017. Roberts details his addiction struggles, his toxic lifestyle, and the challenges she faced as his partner. Despite the difficulties, Roberts admired Biden for his generosity and giving heart. However, his addiction took a toll on their relationship, leaving little room for peace or rest.

The memoir also explores the bitter paternity fight and child-support case that Roberts went through after getting pregnant in late 2017. Biden initially denied their encounter, leading Roberts to file a paternity suit. The case revealed Hunter Biden as the father through a DNA test. The legal battle over child support unfolded over the years, with Biden eventually agreeing to a reduced monthly payment and committing to building a relationship with their daughter, Navy.

Stories from Navy’s life are also highlighted in the book, detailing her struggles with her father’s absence and her place in the Biden family. Despite being raised by Republicans in Arkansas, Navy learned about her famous relatives in DC and gained a relationship with Hunter Biden through video calls. Joe Biden publicly acknowledged Navy for the first time after the child support case was settled, emphasizing the importance of family and love.

Despite the legal challenges and personal struggles depicted in the memoir, Roberts praises Hunter Biden’s efforts to connect with Navy and be a present father. The book ends on a positive note, with Roberts acknowledging Biden’s commitment to their daughter’s well-being and expressing gratitude for the effort he makes to show her love and care. The touching story emphasizes the importance of family, forgiveness, and the desire to provide the best for their children.

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