A new law proposal has been brought forward in the Turkish Parliament, focusing on the issue of stray dogs. The proposal, which consists of 17 articles, has been introduced by AK Party deputies. The main aim of the regulation is to collect stray dogs from the streets and place them in shelters.

The responsibility for implementing this law will lie with the municipalities. Existing animal shelters will be improved and new ones will be constructed to provide better living conditions for the animals. To fund these efforts, municipalities will allocate 0.5% of their budgets. However, for metropolitan municipalities, this percentage has been set at 0.3%.

Those who misuse this allocated fund for other purposes could face imprisonment ranging from 6 months to 2 years. Additionally, a fine of 60,000 Turkish Liras will be imposed on individuals who abandon their pets on the streets. This is aimed at discouraging such cruel behavior towards animals.

The law proposal has been met with both support and criticism from various groups. Animal rights activists have welcomed the initiative as a step towards better animal welfare, while some have raised concerns about the practicality and financial burden it might place on municipalities.

The discussions on the law proposal in the General Assembly of the Parliament are expected to continue, with further amendments and debates likely to take place. It remains to be seen how the law will be implemented and enforced once it is officially passed by the Parliament. Overall, the focus on animal welfare in this proposal signals a positive step towards addressing the issue of stray animals in Turkey.

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