The reactions of the majority and opposition parties. Fratelli d’Italia and the government allies defend Sangiuliano, while the Democratic Party, Five Star Movement, and Italia Viva criticize the presence of the minister on TV.

The recent appearance of Minister Sangiuliano on TV has sparked controversy and divided opinions among the political parties in Italy. The majority parties, particularly Fratelli d’Italia and the government allies, have come out in support of Sangiuliano, defending her actions and dismissing the criticism from the opposition parties.

Fratelli d’Italia, in particular, has been vocal in its defense of Sangiuliano, praising her for her performance on the TV program and highlighting her dedication to her role as minister. The party has accused the opposition parties of launching a smear campaign against Sangiuliano in an attempt to discredit the government and undermine its credibility.

On the other hand, the opposition parties, including the Democratic Party, Five Star Movement, and Italia Viva, have been highly critical of Sangiuliano’s decision to appear on TV. They have raised concerns about the minister’s conduct, arguing that her appearance was inappropriate and unprofessional, and have called for her to be held accountable for her actions.

The Democratic Party, in particular, has been vocal in its criticism of Sangiuliano, with party members accusing her of using her position as minister for personal gain and ignoring her responsibilities to the public. The party has called for an investigation into the matter and for Sangiuliano to be removed from her position if found guilty of any wrongdoing.

The Five Star Movement and Italia Viva have also joined the chorus of criticism, calling for transparency and accountability from the government and urging Sangiuliano to explain her actions on TV. They have questioned the minister’s judgment and called for more oversight of government officials to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Overall, the controversy surrounding Minister Sangiuliano’s TV appearance has highlighted the deep divisions within the Italian political landscape and raised important questions about the conduct of government officials. As the debate continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the government and opposition parties will navigate these challenges and work towards a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.

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