The hard-left party France Unbowed (LFI) is accusing President Emmanuel Macron of staging an “institutional coup against democracy” for not appointing a left-wing prime minister. Following the end of a political truce during the Paris Olympics, the LFI threatened legal action against Macron if he does not appoint a prime minister from the left-wing coalition, the New Popular Front (NFP). Article 68 of the Constitution allows the French parliament to dismiss the president for failing to fulfill duties manifestly incompatible with the mandate. The NFP, which won the most seats in the recent election, believes the future prime minister should come from its ranks, leading to tensions and negotiations with Macron.

After calling for snap parliamentary elections in July, no party secured an absolute majority of 289 seats, leading to a political deadlock in France. The NFP ultimately settled on proposing civil servant and economist Lucie Castets as its choice for future prime minister, a largely unknown figure to the general public. Macron has the power to appoint the head of the government and has agreed to meet with various political leaders to address the situation. However, he has indicated that Castets will not be selected for the position, despite her presence during discussions. The LFI’s threat of impeachment against Macron is seen as unlikely to succeed due to divided opinions within the NFP coalition and the challenging requirement of obtaining two-thirds support in both the National Assembly and the Senate.

The Socialist Party, which is part of the NFP coalition, has rejected the LFI’s threat of an impeachment procedure, stating that it is only signed by the leaders of France Unbowed and does not represent the entire movement. The challenge of garnering two-thirds support in both the National Assembly and the Senate further complicates the likelihood of a successful impeachment against Macron. As Macron seeks to find a resolution to the political impasse, various names have emerged as possible candidates for prime minister. These include right-wing figures such as former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, former minister Xavier Bertrand, and former socialist prime minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

The accusation of an “institutional coup against democracy” by the LFI reflects the growing political tensions in France, as Macron faces pressure to appoint a left-wing prime minister from the NFP coalition. The refusal to appoint Lucie Castets, the NFP’s proposed candidate, has led to threats of legal action and concerns about the democratic process. Macron’s upcoming meetings with political leaders aim to find a solution to the deadlock, but the rejection of Castets for the position and the divided opinions within the NFP coalition complicate the situation. The possibility of impeachment against Macron is seen as unlikely due to the challenges of obtaining necessary support in parliament. The emergence of various candidates for prime minister further adds to the uncertainty surrounding France’s political future.

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