Phil McGraw, also known as ‘Dr. Phil’, recently had a clash with Daniel Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, on his show. Miller appeared on Dr. Phil Primetime, where he argued for Texas independence, citing the failings of the federal government as a reason for secession. He mentioned that other countries have successfully become independent and questioned why Texas couldn’t do the same. McGraw pushed back, questioning the success rate of countries that have declared themselves sovereign and pointing out potential challenges in governance.

Miller also raised concerns about the federal government using force to keep Texas in the Union, comparing such actions to regimes in North Korea and Syria. McGraw criticized this analogy as “reckless,” emphasizing the importance of peaceful discourse and debate. He expressed doubts about the feasibility of Texas seceding successfully, highlighting the challenges in establishing a functional government, infrastructure, and essential services. McGraw also questioned whether a newly independent Texas would be able to address the same issues faced within the current system.

The discussion on Dr. Phil’s show highlighted the growing support for Texas independence within the state. The Texas Nationalist Movement has been advocating for a referendum on secession, citing tensions with the Biden administration over issues like border control and LGBTQ+ rights. The Republican Party of Texas has also shown support for an independence referendum, reflecting a broader political shift towards embracing autonomy for Texas. Despite this momentum, a survey conducted earlier this year found that only 23 percent of Texans would back secession in a hypothetical vote.

The debate on Dr. Phil’s show reflects deeper divisions within the state of Texas regarding its relationship with the federal government. While some see independence as a solution to governance challenges, others, like Dr. Phil, question the practicality and consequences of secession. The conversation around Texas independence also raises broader questions about state rights, autonomy, and the balance of power between states and the federal government in the United States. As tensions continue to rise, the debate over Texas secession is likely to remain a contentious issue for the state and the country as a whole.

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